My Design Plan and Upgrades in My Home Office

My Design Plan and Upgrades in My Home Office

The design plan for my color drenched, at-home office update.

I'm finally starting my office makeover that I've had in mind since this time last year! I'm excited to make this room even warmer and cozier. 
If you've read TDC for a while, you know I tend to slow down in the summer. I did some research a few months ago and am quite sure I have summer Seasonal Affect Disorder. 

For as long as I can remember, I lose my energy and mojo in the heat. The sweating, humidity, bugs (mosquitos LOVE ME), the heat…it drains everything out of me.
But once these slightly cooler days hit, I feel like myself again! I am happier, more energized and ready to tackle new projects! I love fall so very much.
I accomplished a bunch of DIY projects before the summer, and this office redo is the first I want to tackle in the second half of the year. I hate to call it a redo…I'm just adding to what I've already done. 
This room started out very pretty and light, but there wasn't a lot going on design-wise: 
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Even before we moved in, I had my furniture layout set in my head. I wanted to float my desk in the middle of the room and build a wall of bookcases on the wall behind it. 
A few years ago, I did just that. You can see how I built these dark green bookcases with kitchen cabinets here: 

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