How to enjoy your garden in all four seasons

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The garden is often an under-utilised part of a property. Despite taking up a pretty big chunk of a property’s footprint, many homeowners only spend a small amount of time in their gardens each year, especially homeowners in the UK.

However, with the right approach your garden can function as a valuable additional living space. This is especially beneficial for growing families who could really do with the space. And this doesn’t just apply to those warm summer days, either, but all year round.

Let’s take a look at some handy tips that’ll have you enjoying your garden whatever the season.

How to enjoy your garden in all four seasons

Get the garden into shape

Whether you have seasonal or year-round ambitions for your garden, the first step is always to get it into shape. It doesn’t matter how nice the weather is: if you don’t like the aesthetics of your garden, then you’re unlikely to pull up a chair and spend long days soaking up the rays.

Getting a garden into shape is relatively straightforward if you have modest ambitions (say, grass and some flowers or plants), though you can always work with a landscaper if you’re looking to achieve something grander. When it comes to plants, it’s a good idea to aim for year-round interest so you can enjoy the view at any point in the year.

modern garden with seating

Add a range of seating

There’s only so long that you can stand admiring your garden. If you want to really enjoy it for a substantial period of time, then you’ll need to add some seating. This should ideally be enough to seat your whole family plus a few friends.

A common mistake that homeowners make with outdoor furniture is buying low-quality options that aren’t comfortable to sit on. Remember, your garden is for relaxing! You’ll be able to enjoy it more and for longer if you’re sitting on a well-made bench that has a hand made bench cushion on top. Look at investing in a range of seating styles, including lounge chairs, individual seats, and perhaps even a hammock.

garden lighting at night

Install lighting

It’s easy to enjoy your garden on sunny spring and summer days, but what about when the sun disappears? The warm nights are one of the joys of the summer months, but if you’re unable to see when you’re in your garden, then you’re probably not going to spend any time there.

One underused trick is to add outdoor lighting to your garden. This will create a cosy and inviting space that allows you to sit outside as the stars make their appearance. You can also use garden lighting to illuminate paths or highlight specific plants and trees for extra interest.

outdoor firepit

Add warmth

The UK is getting warmer, but we all know we have more than our fair share of cold days. Even the summer months can be a little chilly. On those days, sitting outside in your garden may not be a tempting prospect, unless you have a firepit that can keep you warm. Firepits are reasonably affordable, and installation is easy.

As well as managing the chill, you may also want to install a covering that protects you from the rain. It’s not nice to be outside in the rain, but it is nice to be outside in the rain when you’re dry!

Have you used any of these easy ways to enjoy your garden more often?

The post How to enjoy your garden in all four seasons appeared first on Growing Family.

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