30 flowers that start with B: images and common names

Welcome to an exploration of flowers that start with the letter “B”. From the stunning Begonia to the vibrant Bluebell, this list covers a wide range of flowers, each with its own unique charm.

Explore a stunning list of flower names starting with B! From Begonias to Bluebells, find botanical inspiration and floral beauty for your garden. Click to read the full article and bring a touch of nature's charm to your home.

List of flowers that start with a B

You can use this list of flowers beginning with B to inspire your baby name search, your floral arrangements, or your plant knowledge. Or you can simply enjoy the lovely flower pictures!

This article covers 30 gorgeous names of flowers that begin with B.  Every flower on the list has key facts, an image, plus any common names and symbolism (we’ve got more resources on flower symbolism in our birth flowers guide).

baby blue eyes flowers

Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila menziesii)

If blue flowers are your thing, Baby Blue Eyes delivers. Its small, bright blue flowers have a paler centre and five petals. Grow it in partial shade or full sun.

Baby Blue Eyes symbolises innocence, purity, and trust.

baby's breath flowers

Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila)

Much loved by florists, Baby’s Breath has tiny white or pink flower clusters on delicate stems. It grows well in sunny locations and is perfect for a cottage garden planting scheme.

Baby’s Breath symbolises innocence, purity and everlasting love.

flowers that start with B: bachelor's button

Bachelor’s Button (Centaurea cyanus)

The more well-known name of this electric blue flower is cornflower. It’s easy to grow from seed and will spread itself around the garden with minimal effort from you.

Bachelor’s Button symbolises many things, including love, hope, patience, fertility, pride, and wealth.

balloon flowers

Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorus)

The buds of these flowers start off balloon-shaped, transforming into star-shaped blooms when open. This ornamental plant is native to East Asia, and popular with pollinating insects.

Balloon flowers symbolise love, friendship and happiness. The five points of each flower can also represent the five senses, or the five elements in Chinese philosophy.

banksia flower


If you like your flowers that start with B to have a distinctive appearance, take a look at Banksia.  The impressive flowers are bottlebrush-shaped and usually yellow.

Banksia flowers symbolise renewal and rebirth.

flowers that start with B: Baptisia flowers

Baptisia (Blue Wild Indigo)

A lovely tall plant, Baptisia flowers resemble sweet peas and grow on slim stems. They also bear a resemblance to lupins. Baptisia are great perennial flowering plants for making your garden wildlife-friendly as it attracts lots of bees.

Baptisia symbolism includes protection, purification, and hope.

basket of gold flowers

Basket of Gold (Aurinia saxatilis)

These lovely perennials are covered in sunny yellow flowers during spring – hence the name. It’s a great option for a sunny spot where the colour can really sing out.

Basket of Gold can symbolise abundance.

flowers that start with B: bearded iris

Bearded Iris (Iris germanica)

These flowers are real stunners. The inner and outer petals combine with small hairs to create the beard effect.  A great plant for a sunny border.

Bearded Iris symbolises wisdom, bravery, and power.

penstemon flowers - also called beardtongue

Beardtongue (Penstemon)

Penstemons are a lovely plant to have in your garden. They flower for months, bees love them, and they’re happy in sun or semi-shade.  They work particularly well in cottage garden designs.

Penstemon symbolise courage, resilience, and strength.

flowers that start with B: bee balm (also called monarda)

Bee Balm (Monarda didyma)

Also known as Bergamot, Bee Balm produces striking flowers with lots of texture on tall stems. There’s a range of different colours to choose from, and the flowers are a magnet for bees and pollinators.

Bee Balm symbolises health, prosperity, and protection.

pink begonia flowers

Begonia x tuberhybrida (Tuberous Begonia)

These gorgeous flowers are big and long-lasting, with bags of scent. The foliage is attractive too. Grow them in a shady spot where they will provide a shot of colour.

Begonias symbolise caution.

flowers that start with B: bellflowers (also called campanula)

Bellflower (Campanula)

Named after the bell-shaped flowers, these beautiful flowers are available in purple, blue and white. They’re unfussy plants and are a much-loved element of many cottage garden planting schemes.

Bellflowers symbolise humility, gratitude, and love.

white daisy flowers

Bellis perennis (Daisy)

The common daisy is well-known for its habit of growing in grass and providing material for daisy chains. It’s a member of the sunflower plant family, and it’s cute little white flowers bloom in late spring and early summer

Symbolic associations for Bellis include purity, innocence, and modesty.

pink bergenia flowers

Bergenia (Elephant’s Ears)

Bergenia is a popular perennial plant and is often used for ground cover. Its big, leathery leaves resemble an elephant’s ears, and it produces bright pink, bell-shaped flowers in early spring.

Bergenia symbolises resilience, love, and kindness.

flowers that start with B: bird of paradise flower

Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)

A truly stunning flower, Bird of Paradise is native to South Africa and produces impressive blooms that are shaped like a colourful bird. These showy flowers need tropical conditions to thrive and is often grown as an indoor plant.

Bird of Paradise symbolises freedom, joy, and grace.

yellow bird's foot trefoil flowers

Bird’s Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)

Belonging to the pea plant family, Bird’s Foot Trefoil is a wildflower with bright yellow blooms and seed pods that resemble a bird’s feet. It’s a low-growing plant, so it’s good for ground cover.

Bird’s Foot Trefoil symbolises love and friendship, but also revenge.

flowers that start with B: black eyed susan

Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)

With their bold flowers and contrasting centres, black-eyed susans can really make an impact in the garden. They enjoy full sun and well-drained soil, and they’re low maintenance plants. They will also be popular with beneficial insects.

Black-eyed Susan flowers symbolise motivation, encouragement, and justice.

a bee on blanket flowers

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia)

Blanket Flower is a perennial plant that produces flowers similar to daisies. The ‘blanket’ element of the name comes from its habit of spreading over an area of ground. Gaillardia are available in shades of orange, red, and yellow.

Blanket Flower symbolises bravery, strength, and joy.

purple blazing star flowers

Blazing Star (Liatris spicata)

The flowers of Blazing Star are impressive; the tall spikes of frothy pinky-purple blooms resemble blazing stars and stand above sword-shaped foliage. This sun loving plant likes lots of light and free-draining soil.

Blazing Star flowers symbolise joy and happiness.

pink bleeding heart flowers

Bleeding Heart (Dicentra)

With its highly unusual heart shaped flowers, Dicentra is a great plant for making a statement. The  pink flowers hang from slender stems and are native to east Asia.

As you might guess, bleeding heart flowers symbolise strong emotion, unconditional love, and heartbreak.

white bloodroot flowers

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)

Named after the red sap in its stems, bloodroot has pretty white flowers and grey-blue foliage. It’s native to North America and works well in a woodland planting scheme.

Bloodroot symbolises love and romance.

bluebell - flowers that start with B

Bluebell (Hyacinthoides)

Synonymous with spring woodland, bluebells thrive in sun or shade and forest-like conditions. As the name suggests, the flowers a bright blue in colour and bell-shaped. They’re sometimes referred to as fairy flowers, because they’re the perfect shape for a fairy’s hat.

Bluebells symbolise gratitude, humility, and kindness.

a bee on a borage flower


Borage is mostly grown for its herbal uses, but it also has lovely blue flowers that will attract lots of bees to your garden.

Borage symbolises courage and bravery.

pink bougainvillea flowers

Boungainvillea (Paperflower)

Bougainvillea plants produce stunning flowers and are suited to warmer climates. They can be used to brighten up a trellis or garden wall, and they’re also drought tolerant plants.

Bougainvillea flowers symbolise protection and passion.

bouvardia flowers

Bouvardia (Hummingbird Flower)

Bouvardia is native to South America, and loves warm conditions.  It produces trumpet-shaped, scented flowers in a range of shades. As the common name suggests, Bouvardia is popular with hummingbirds, but it also attracts butterflies and bees to the garden.

Bouvardia symbolises enthusiasm.

bromeliad plants


These stunning tropical plants produce exotic flower-like leaves. They need warm, humid conditions, so they’re often grown as houseplants.

Bromeliads are symbolic of success, wealth, affection, and happiness.

brugmansia (angel's trumpet) flowers

Brugmansia (Angel’s Trumpet)

This is a flower with real talking-point potential.  Brugmansia is native to South America and has fragrant flowers that are shaped like trumpets and attract pollinating moths.  They may look lovely, but the plant is highly toxic.

Angel’s Trumpet symbolises health and vivacity.

a butterfly on a buddleia flower spike

Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)

A haven for butterflies and pollinators, buddleia produces big spikes of tiny, honey-scented flowers. For best results it needs to be grown in full sun.

Buddleia symbolises new beginnings, resurrection, and rebirth.

pink impatiens flowers

Busy Lizzie (Impatiens)

A popular plant for containers, Busy Lizzie flowers for months on end and is available in a range of bright colours. 

Busy Lizzie symbolises love, specifically motherly love.

yellow buttercup flowers

Buttercup (Ranunculus)

You probably associate these delicate flowers with the ritual of holding them under your chin to see their golden glow reflected. In folklore this means you like butter, but there’s no scientific evidence to back it up! The bright yellow flowers of buttercups acts as a beacon to pollinators.

Buttercups are associated with youth, happiness, friendship, and humility.

From the charming Bee Balm to the graceful Bellflower, the world of flowers starting with B showcase a remarkable variety of beauty and elegance. Will some of these flowers that start with B get added to your plant wish list?

More flower inspiration

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Explore a stunning list of flower names starting with B! From Begonias to Bluebells, find botanical inspiration and floral beauty for your garden. Click to read the full article and bring a touch of nature's charm to your home.

The post 30 flowers that start with B: images and common names appeared first on Growing Family.

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