Exterior upgrades that can increase your home’s value

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When it comes to increasing your home’s value, exterior upgrades play an important role. Potential buyers form their impression of your property almost immediately upon seeing it, making exterior updates both desirable and necessary for adding value.

Let’s examine some effective updates that can increase your home’s value without draining your wallet.

house with landscaped front garden

Landscaping to improve kerb appeal

One of the best ways to add kerb appeal is investing in landscaping.

A well-kept lawn will form the cornerstone of your landscape design plan. Maintain a lush and green lawn through regular mowing, fertilising and watering. Adding shrubs, flowers and trees that complement your climate and require less care and upkeep can add depth and colour to your yard.

Consider planting native species as they require less maintenance. Garden beds with seasonal blooms provide year-round interest and vibrant colour to your landscape, and edging your beds and walkways can create a clean, polished appearance. Other features like mulching, rock gardens, or even small water features can further elevate aesthetic value.

Focusing on these key elements will not only make your home more welcoming, but can also make it stand out on the real estate market.

Painting and siding 

Applying a fresh coat of paint can do wonders to your home’s appearance, making it look brand new and inviting.

Select colours that suit both your home’s architectural style and its surrounding community for optimal results. Neutral colours such as beige, grey and white are safe options that appeal to a broad spectrum of potential buyers. Before applying any paint to surfaces it’s important to clean, sand and prime first to ensure adhesion is at its peak and the paint lasts longer.

If your home features siding, consider upgrading it for both aesthetic appeal and durability. Vinyl is a popular choice due to its low maintenance requirements and variety of styles and colours available. Fibre-cement siding boasts increased longevity and resistance against elements like fire and pests, making it an excellent option. No matter which material you opt for, make sure that installation is done correctly to avoid future water damage issues.

Investing in painting and siding improvements can increase your home’s value while also boosting kerb appeal.

garden lighting at night

Outdoor lighting 

Lighting plays an important role in improving both the beauty and safety of your home’s exterior. Careful placement of outdoor lights can accentuate architectural features, illuminate pathways and create a warm welcoming atmosphere for guests visiting your property.

Start by identifying areas in need of illumination, such as entryways, driveways and outdoor living spaces. Solar-powered lights offer an eco-friendly option that can reduce energy costs while providing sufficient illumination. Motion-activated lights provide additional security around your home, while accent lights add depth and dimension to landscape elements such as trees, shrubs and garden features.

Adding proper outdoor lighting solutions allows you to extend usability of your outdoor space far into evening hours, creating more inviting and secure outdoor environments.

Upgrade your driveways and paths

Upgrading your driveways and pathways can benefit both their functionality and the appearance of the exterior of your home.

Start by conducting an assessment of your drive and walkways’ current state. Look out for any cracks, uneven surfaces or general wear and tear that requires attention. If repairs are necessary, use materials that complement both your home’s style and landscaping. Concrete is a durable and versatile option, easily stamped or stained to simulate more expensive materials like stone or brick. For a more natural look, gravel or cobblestone pathways add charm and rustic appeal. Consider including edging to clearly mark the borders of pathways and driveways. This will help to keep them neat while preventing overgrown vegetation.

By investing in quality materials and thoughtful design, you can create driveways and pathways that not only add kerb appeal but also provide safe access to your home.

patio with screen and seating area

Decks and patios: extending living spaces

Decks and patios can extend your living space, offering outdoor areas for relaxation, entertainment, and family get-togethers. No matter whether it’s a wooden, composite, or stone patio design you choose, outdoor living spaces can significantly add value to your home.

Add built-in seating, pergolas or fire pits for functionality as well as aesthetics to boost value even more. Weather-resistant sofas, tables and chairs can transform outdoor areas into inviting spaces for entertaining and relaxation. Furthermore, adding outdoor kitchens or barbecue areas could maximise space utilisation, impress prospective buyers and give your home an advantage in the market.


A well-constructed fence can add a final flourish to the exterior of your home, delineating property boundaries while adding security and privacy. Choices range from classic wooden fences, which offer a warm, traditional look, to more contemporary metal or vinyl fencing with low maintenance requirements and long lifespan. If you want a natural touch, consider planting shrubs or hedges as living fencing elements instead.

Fences add not only kerb appeal to your home but can also offer security to children and animals. Customising your fence with decorative post caps, finials or natural elements such as climbing plants can add an eye-catching element that makes your property truly distinctive. A well-constructed and well-kept fence is a long-term investment in both the functionality and visual allure of the exterior of your home.

white garden fencing

Pools and hot tubs: worth it? 

Adding a pool or hot tub can significantly enhance your outdoor living experience, providing both leisure and potential health benefits.

Pools offer ideal environments for exercise, family fun, and social gatherings during warmer months. A pool can serve as the focal point of your backyard. Meanwhile, hot tubs offer year-round relaxation to alleviate stress and soothe sore muscles with their therapeutic warm water and massaging jets.

Although additions such as pools or hot tubs may increase your property’s value and appeal, they involve additional costs such as installation, maintenance and utility costs that must be carefully considered before investing. They can certainly add appeal, but it’s essential that these considerations be balanced against your lifestyle and long-term plans before making a final decision. 


Making exterior upgrades to your home is often an intelligent and financially worthwhile venture. From lush lawns and smart lighting, to new siding and elegant pathways, investing in exterior upgrades can not only boost kerb appeal but also increase your home’s value. By prioritising these aspects you will create an inviting, beautiful property that both you and any future homeowners will appreciate.

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