175 cow puns and cow jokes for udderly silly fun

Are you ready to moo-ve into a pasture of cow jokes? This herd of udderly hilarious cow puns are sure to tickle your funny bone.

175 cow puns and cow jokes for udderly silly fun

The best cow puns and funniest cow jokes

From witty puns to rib-tickling one-liners, these jokes will have you laughing ’til the cows come home. So without further ado, let’s get moo-ving with some cow-themed humour!

Funny cow jokes

Why do cows wear bells around their necks? Because their horns don’t work.

What do cows read in the morning? The moos-paper.

What do you call a cow jumping on a trampoline? A milkshake.

What kind of shows do cows like best? Moosicals.

What do you call a sleeping cow? A bull-dozer.

What happens when you try talking to a cow? Everything just goes in one ear and out the udder.

How did the cow get to the moon? It went into udder space.

What do you call it when one cow spies on another cow? A steak-out.

What do you call a magic cow? Moo-dini.

Why are cows such great dancers? They have all the best mooves.

What do you get if you cross an angry sheep and a grumpy cow? An animal that’s totally in a baaaad mooood.

Why did the cow look so confused? He was having déjà-moo.

Why do cows huddle together when it rains? To keep each udder dry.

Where do cows usually go on a Saturday night? To the moovies.

What do you call a scared cow? A cow-ard.

What do you call a bad-tempered cow? Moo-dy.

Where do cows get their medicine? The farmacy.

What does the cow band play? Moo-sic.

Why did the cow jump over the moon? To get to the Milky Way.

What do cows say when they apologise to one another? “Sorry, I made a mis-steak.

closeup of a cow's face

More silly jokes about cows

What do you call a group of cows with a sense of humour? Laughing stock.

Where do cows eat lunch? In the calfeteria.

What is a cow’s favourite newspaper? The Daily Moos.

What is a cow’s favourite colour? Marooooooon.

What is a cow’s favourite movie series? Steer Wars.

What happened to the fence when the cow ran into it? It was udderly destroyed.

Where did the cow spend all its money? At the cow-sino.

Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side.

What has the lone cow been up to lately? Nobody’s herd…

Where would you find a cow with no legs? Right where you left it.

What do you get when you cross a smurf with a cow? Blue cheese.

What do you get when you cross two ducks and a cow? Quackers and milk.

How would you address the queen of cows? Your Moojesty, or Dairy Queen.

What do you call a cow on a diet? Lean beef.

What did the farmer say to the lazy cow? “Just give me 2% milk.”

Who’s in charge of the dairy? The cow-ptain.

Can you make money owning cows? Yes, I’ve herd it’s really profitable.

What did the cow say when the bull broke up with her? “Without you, I’ll never be whole milk again.”

Why do cows stay close together when it’s cold? To keep each udder warm.

Cow dad jokes

How do you count cows? With a cowculator.

What’s a cow’s favourite school subject? Cowculus.

What maths problems do cows like to solve? Moo-tiplication problems.

What is as big as a cow but weighs nothing? Its shadow.

Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose.

How do you make a cow be quiet? Press the moo-te button.

Why did the two cows dislike each other? They had beef.

What’s an unusual way to make a milkshake? Give a cold cow a pogo stick.

What would you call a cow wearing armour? Sir Loin.

What would you get if you milked a really forgetful cow? Milk of Amnesia.

How did the farmer find the missing cow? He tractor down.

What did one cow say to the other on a cold night? “I don’t know about you but I’m Fresian.”

Why did the artist love painting cows? He said they were his moos.

What is a cow’s dream job? Being an udder cover agent.

What do you call a cow that eats grass? A lawn moo-er.

What happens when cows stop shaving? They grow moostaches.

What did the cow say to its therapist? “I feel seen, but not herd.”

What do cows say when they hear a bad joke? ”I am not amoosed.”

What did the cows do after someone broke into the barn? They beefed up their security.

highland cow lying in a field

Cow knock knock jokes

Knock knock. Who’s there? Cows go. Cows go who? No, silly, cows go moo!

Knock knock. Who’s there? Interrupting cow. Interrupting cow wh- MOO!

Knock knock. Who’s there? Cow. Cow who? Cow much longer will you put up with all this knocking?

Knock knock. Who’s there? Cow. Cow who? Cow-a-bunga, dude!

Even more cow jokes for kids

What did the cow say when the farmer pulled its tail? “How dairy!

What did the mama cow say to the baby cows? “It’s pasture bedtime.”

What do you call a cow that can’t make milk? A milk dud.

What does the farmer talk about while milking a cow? Udder nonsense.

Why does a milking stool only have three legs? Because the cow has the udder.

What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake.

What did one dairy cow say to the other? Got milk?

When is milk the freshest? When it’s still in the cow.

Where do cow farts come from? Their dairy-ère.

What do cows put on pancakes? Moolasses.

What do you call a cow that blends in with its surroundings? Cow-moo-flaged.

Where do cows go on their days off? To a moo-seum.

Why don’t dairy cows have money? Because the farmers keep draining them dry.

What do you get if you cross a cow and rooster? Roost beef.

Why did the farmer buy a brown cow? He wanted chocolate milk.

What do you call a rude cow? Beef jerky.

Where do Russian cows come from? Mos-cow.

What animal goes “oom, oom”? A cow walking backwards.

When one cow said “Moo!” to the other, what was the second cow’s reply? “I was going to say that!”

Why are cows always telling each other jokes? To keep themselves amoosed.

What did the police cow say to the bad guy he caught? Don’t moove a moo-scle.

How do you make Swiss cheese? With milk from a holey cow.

Why do cows like to go to the spa To get some re-hoove-ination.

Why do cows work? To make mooney.

What do you feed a badly behaved cow? Spoiled milk.

Why is telling a cow a funny cow joke pointless? They’ve probably herd it before.

closeup of a cow's face

The best cow puns

You herd it here first

Quite the cowmedian

An udder day, an udder dollar

Grab the bull by the horns

How dairy

Out for the cow-nt

Born udder a lucky star

Don’t be a cow-herd

That’s laugha-bull

Explore the possi-bull-ities

Beyond my capa-bull-ities

Bull-dly go where no man has gone before

Bully for you

Udder no illusions

Finger on the bull-se

Steer clear

Until the cows come home

Stop me if you’ve herd this before

The last I herd

Err on the side of cow-tion

Throw cow-tion to the wind

Keep it udder wraps

It’s pasture bedtime

Cute cow puns

Seen, but not herd

Udderly in love

For heifer and heifer

Over the moon

Still calf asleep

I’ve got calf a mind to…

Don’t you udder-stand?

Milking it

Udderly hilarious

An udder failure

Don’t do things by calves

Bull yourself together

Bulling strings


Bull-ieve it or not

Suspend your dis-bull-ief

Daily bull-etin


Somewhere in that bull-park

Hanging in the bull-ance

Bull your socks up

Like a lead bull-oon

Bull-ow the belt

Seeing is bull-ieving


Dearly bull-oved



herd of cows in a field

More puns about cows

The steaks are high

I’ve herd it all before

Holy cow!

What a cow-incidence

Cash cow

I’ve got beef with that

















Moo puns

Seize the moo-ment

I’ve got the moo-ves

Not in the moo-d

In a bad moo-d

Off to the moo-vies

What beautiful moo-sic

I am not a-moo-sed





Don’t have a cow!

One last funny cow pun…

You might feel like you’ve heard these cow puns before, but it’s probably just déjà-moo!

And there you have it: a herd of hilarious cow jokes. We hope you’re feeling udderly amused and ready to share these cow laughs with friends and family. Remember, a good laugh is always just a moo-ment away…

More funny jokes and puns

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175 cow puns and cow jokes for udderly silly fun

The post 175 cow puns and cow jokes for udderly silly fun appeared first on Growing Family.

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