150 best rock puns and rock jokes to make you laugh

Welcome to a compilation of hilarious rock puns that’s sure to rock your world!

150 best rock puns and rock jokes to make you laugh

The best rock puns and rock jokes

Whether you’re a seasoned geologist or simply someone who loves a good chuckle, these rock jokes are bound to deliver a good laugh. Get ready to rock and roll with these puns, quips, and geological gags.

Family-friendly rock jokes for kids

1. What do you call a rock that never goes to school? A skipping stone.

2. Why did the rock become a musician? Because it wanted to be a little boulder.

3. Why are rocks so cheap? Because they’re always on shale.

4. What do you call a dubious rock? A sham rock.

5. Why do tectonic plates always argue? Because there’s too much friction between them.

6. What did the stone want to be when it grew up? A rock star.

7. Why did the miner stop digging? He was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

8. Why did the rock take confidence lessons? To help it feel boulder.

9. Why did the rock and the stone break up? The trust in their relationship eroded.

10. Why didn’t the stone get back together with the rock? He had too many faults.

11. Why did the rock shower every morning? It wanted to start with a clean slate.

12. It takes a boulder person to read through this list of rock puns.

13. Where do you take an injured rock? To the Rocktor.

14. What happened to the rock after continuous hours of interrogation? It finally cracked.

15. Where do wealthy rocks live? Rockefeller Street.

16. What kind of rocks are sour? Limestone.

17. Why was the gemstone scared for his exams? Because he thought he wasn’t going topaz.

18. How did the rock feel when he got covered in algae? He was lichen it.

19. What did the rock order at the bar? Soda on the rocks.

20. What did one volcano say to the other volcano? “I lava you so much.”

grey rocks in grass

More funny rock jokes

21. Where do rocks like to sleep? In bedrocks.

22. How did the stone feel after his workout? Rock solid.

23. How did the rock feel about going to jail? Petrified.

24. Why can’t minerals ever lie? Because they’re always in their pure form.

25. What did the rock say to the word processor? “Boulder.”

26. What did Sherlock Holmes say when Watson asked what kind of rock he was holding? “Sedimentary, my dear Watson.”

27. When were rock jokes the funniest? During the stone age.

28. What did the rock say when it ended up at the bottom of the hill? “That’s how I roll.”

29. Why did the rock go to jail? The quartz found him guilty.

30. What did the sedimentary rock say to the metamorphic rock? “You’ve changed, man!”

31. Why is it hard to be a diamond? Too much pressure.

32. Why did the rock decide to hit the gym? Because he wanted to be bigger and boulder.

33. Why was the rock emotionless? Because it had a heart of stone.

34. What do you call a rock that complains? A whine-stone.

35. Why are limestones ignored? Because they’re too chalkative.

36. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Geode. Geode who? Geode bless you!

37. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Shale. Shale who? Shale, we dance?

38. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Gneiss. Gneiss who? Gneiss to meet you!

coloured stones on a beach

Geologist rock jokes

39. How do geologists like their whiskey? On the rocks.

40. Why did the geologist quit his job? Because he wanted a clean slate.

41. What did the rock say to the geologist? “Don’t take me for granite.”

42. Why did the geologist keep their old rock collection? Because it had a lot of sedimental value.

43. What did Darth Vader tell the geologist? “May the quartz be with you.”

44. What’s a geologist’s favourite fruit? Pome-granite. (more fruit jokes here)

45. What’s a geologist’s favourite type of music? Rock & Roll.

46. What’s a geologist’s favourite band? The Rolling Stones.

47. What’s a geologist’s favourite restaurant? The Hard Rock Café.

48. What’s a geologist’s favourite sweet treat? Rock candy.

49. What’s a geologist’s favourite movie? Pyrites of the Caribbean.

50. What’s a geologist’s favourite kind of magazine? Rolling Stone.

51. Who’s a geologist’s favourite comedian? Chris Rock.

52. Who’s a geologist’s favourite actor? Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.

53. What happens when you keep reading geologist jokes in your free time? You know that you’ve really hit rock bottom.

54. Why should you never expect perfection from geologists? Because they all have their faults.

rock tower against blue sky

More geologist jokes and geology puns

55. Why are geologists so good in school? Because they don’t take anything for granite.

56. How do geologists like to relax? In rocking chairs.

57. Why don’t geologists argue? They’re too pelite.

58. Where do geologists study? At sedimentary school.

59. Why are geologists good at romance? Because they’re very sedimental.

60. Why don’t geologists like alcohol? Because they like to be stone-cold sober.

61. Why are geologists never hungry? Because they lost their apatite.

62. How does a geologist show their displeasure? They give the coal shoulder.

63. Why was the geologist tired of his work? Because it was mostly boring.

64. What happened after the geologist finished his work? It was a lode off his shoulders.

65. What did the doctor prescribe to the sick geologist? Tech-tonic.

66. Why was the geologist puzzled at the comedy show? Because some of the funny jokes fluorite over his head.

67. Did you see the geologist towing a crate of rocks behind his car? He had a wide lode sign.

68. What do geologists use to clean themselves? Soapstone.

69. Why was the geologist agitated? Because he had lost his marbles.

70. Why don’t geologists argue? Because they’re too pelite.

71. Why shouldn’t you lend a geologist money? Because they consider a million years ago to be recent.

large rocks in the sea

Silly rock puns for instagram

72. You rock my world

73. Let’s rock and roll

74. Between a rock and a hard place

75. Power to the pebble

76. Pebble to the metal

77. Rock solid advice

78. Rock steady

79. Rock on

80. I need some assi-stones

81. Not to quarry

82. Rocky road

83. Quarried sick

84. Getting off to a rocky start

85. Rock the boat

86. On the rocks

87. Opportunity rocks

88. Solid as a rock

89. Don’t take me for granite

90. It’s a hard rock life

91. Hit rock bottom

92. Stony faced

93. A stony silence

94. Feeling sedimental

95. Feeling a little boulder

96. I won’t gravel

97. A clean slate

98. Rock solid plans

99. For the crater good

100. I lava you so much

101. Metamorphically speaking

wall of rocks

More funny puns about rocks

102. You’re a gem

103. May the quartz be with you

104. Of quartz it is

105. Geode bless you

106. Geode willing

107. Geode forbid

108. An act of geode

109. I don’t want to chalk about it

110. Chalk it up to experience

111. Look who’s chalking

112. Keep your coal

113. Coal as a cucumber

114. In coal blood

115. Get coal feet

116. Gave me the coal shoulder

117. Shale of the century

118. Shale we dance?

119. Seek and ye shale find

120. I get the schist of it

121. All ore nothing

122. Believe it ore not

123. Be there ore be square

124. Now ore never

125. Heads ore tails

126. Friend ore foe

127. Give ore take

128. Don’t flint-ch

129. Igneous is bliss

130. A grain of basalt

131. A basalt on the senses

132. Have a gneiss day

133. Gneiss to meet you

134. Gneiss going

135. No more Mr. Gneiss Guy

136. This rock was magma before it was cool

137. A cold as stone

138. Turned to stone

139. Stepping stone

140. No stone unturned

141. A heart of stone

142. Rocks in your head

143. A pebble person

144. Cobble something together

145. A plutonic relationship

146. Gravelling at my feet

147. Rock around the clock

148. App-rocks-imate

149. My per-rock-ative

One last rock pun

150. “I really like rock puns.” “My sediments exactly!”

And there you have it – we’ve left no stone unturned in our quest to find you the perfect rock joke.  Hopefully they have put a rock solid smile on your face 🤣

More jokes and puns

For more family-friendly jokes and good puns, head this way:

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150 best rock puns and rock jokes to make you laugh

The post 150 best rock puns and rock jokes to make you laugh appeared first on Growing Family.

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