Why outdoor time matters for a child’s mental health

Why outdoor time matters for a child’s mental health

Ever wondered why spending time outdoors is so important for children’s mental health? This article by children’s wellbeing author and psychotherapist Becky Goddard-Hill will help you understand the powerful impact playing outside can have on a child’s mood and wellbeing.

Becky is the author of the brand new book ‘How I Feel’, a feelings-focussed activity book for children aged 3-7. Its primary aim is to encourage younger children to become more emotionally literate and better able to both understand and manage their feelings.

front cover of 'How I Feel' book by Becky Goddard-Hill

The book contains 40 play-based activities to help young children talk more coherently about their emotions, encouraging them to be kinder, happier, calmer, and braver. It aims to encourage self-belief and growth mindset and help children to understand and manage their feelings better.

It’s beautifully illustrated and packed full of lovely things to do. It has been written so children in KS1 will be able to read a lot of it themselves, and it contains lots of great parenting tips too.

Here Becky shares why encouraging kids to get outside matters so much for a child’s mental health.

children enjoying outdoor time

Why Outdoor Time Matters for a Child’s Mental Health

1. Stress Reduction: Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, leading to improved mental well-being.

2. Increased Vitamin D: Sunlight exposure helps the body produce vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in mood regulation and may reduce the risk of depression.

3. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Outdoor play stimulates creativity, problem-solving skills, and cognitive development, contributing to overall mental resilience.

4. Improved Mood: Physical activity and exposure to nature release feel-good chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins and serotonin, which can uplift mood and combat feelings of sadness or anxiety.

5. Connection with Nature: Time spent in natural environments fosters a sense of connection with the world around us, promoting feelings of peace, wonder, and gratitude.

6. Social Interaction: Outdoor play encourages social interaction, cooperation, and communication skills, which are essential for healthy emotional development.

7. Reduction in ADHD Symptoms: Research suggests that outdoor activities may help reduce symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and improve focus and attention span.

8. Resilience Building: Overcoming challenges and experiencing risks in outdoor environments helps children build resilience and coping skills, preparing them to navigate life’s ups and downs.

In summary, encouraging children to spend time outdoors is essential for their mental health and well-being. By providing opportunities for outdoor time, exploration, and connection with nature, parents and caregivers can support children’s holistic development and help them thrive emotionally and mentally.

*How I Feel is available from all good bookshops and is out now.

The post Why outdoor time matters for a child’s mental health appeared first on Growing Family.

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