115 best ocean puns and ocean jokes to make a splash

Dive into a sea of laughter with this sea-riously good collection of ocean puns!

We’ve reeled in the best ocean jokes that are shore to create waves of giggles.

115 best ocean puns and ocean jokes to make a splash

The best ocean puns and ocean jokes

Whether you’re a marine enthusiast, or just need a good laugh, these ocean jokes are sure to make you smile.

Our funny ocean puns and ocean captions also make great instagram captions for your sea-themed pictures on social media – and our nature hashtags might come in handy too.

Funny ocean jokes

Let’s start the sea-themed fun with some silly jokes about oceans.

Why did the turtle cross the ocean? To get to the other tide.

How does the ocean greet you? With a wave.

Why is the letter T like an island? Because it’s in the middle of the ocean.

Where can you find an ocean with no water? On a map.

Who cleans the ocean? A mer-maid.

What kind of rocks are never under the ocean? Dry ones.

What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.

Why doesn’t the ocean laugh at jokes? Because it’s not a fan of dry humour.

What kind of hair does the ocean have? Wavy.

What eight letters can you find in water from the Arctic Ocean? H to O.

Why do sharks only swim in salt water? Because pepper makes them sneeze.

What do mermaids sleep on? Ocean beds.

Where do ocean fish look for jobs? In the kelp-wanted section.

What did the ocean say to the beach? “We were tide together, but now we’ve drifted away.”

Where do mummies swim? In the Dead Sea.

What type of car does an ocean drive? An octo-porsche.

Why is the ocean always on time? It likes to stay current.

Why did the dock throw itself into the ocean? Pier pressure.

ocean waves crashing onto rocks

Short ocean jokes to raise a splash

Why do some fish live at the bottom of the ocean? Because they dropped out of school.

Did you hear about the ocean and sea having a baby? It was a buoy.

How did the ocean greet the iceberg? It gave it a frosty wave.

What do you get when you cross an ocean with a cow? Milky waves.

What do you call an ocean that’s always on time? A tide schedule.

What did the ocean say to its friend? “Long time, no sea”.

Why are oceans so meticulous? They like to be pacific.

What did the beach say to the ocean? “Long tide, no sea”.

How does the ocean floor stay up to date with the news? By following current events.

What does a search engine wear in the ocean? Swimming googles.

Who practices medicine in the ocean? A sturgeon.

What lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches? A nervous wreck.

What’s a fish’s favourite musical instrument? The bass drum.

Why did the fish blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom.

What’s a pirate’s favourite place to swim? The “aarrrrr”-ctic ocean.

Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels.

What game show do sea creatures like best? Whale of fortune.

Why wouldn’t the sea creatures share their treasure? Because they were a little shellfish.

What crashes onto the shore on tiny beaches?  Micro-waves.

What game does a coral reef like to play? Hide and sea-k.

What’s an ocean’s favourite sport? Water-polo.

Where does a killer whale go for braces? The orca-dontist.

tropical fish on coral reef

More funny sea jokes and ocean jokes for kids

Why did the ocean leave the party early? It was getting really tide.

Did you hear about the ocean’s party? It was fin-tastic.

How much does it cost to swim with sharks? An arm and a leg.

Why did the ocean break up with the pond? She thought he was too shallow.

Have you heard the latest ocean gossip? It’s all current news.

Why is the ocean good at dancing? It has sea-rious moves.

What did one tide pool say to the other tide pool? “Show me your mussels!”

Why did the lobster blush? Because the sea weed!

What can you do if you are the ocean? Water-ver you want.

What’s a sea monster’s favourite snack? Ships and dip.

If Hogwarts was in the ocean, what game would the pupils play? Squidditch.

Why are ocean birds always so happy? Because they have sea-sons to be cheerful.

What do ocean waves say to each other? “Have a swell time!”

What vegetable is forbidden on all boats? Leeks.

Do oceans talk to each other? No, they just wave.

What do you get when you throw a lot of books into the ocean? A title wave.

sunrise on a beach with birds flying in the sky

The best ocean puns

Ready for some clever wordplay with an ocean theme? Read on for a shoal of ocean puns that will make a wave of laughter.

What a comm-ocean

Get your daily vitamin sea

That’s unfathomable

Still waters run deep

In deep water

To be pacific

I fish I was by the ocean

Where there’s a will, there’s a wave

I will al-waves love you

Getting a bit em-ocean-al

You can’t be sea-rious

More funny sea puns

Seas the day

Sea you later

’tis the sea-son

I need some priva-sea

A sense of urgen-sea

This is a fanta-sea

As far as the eye can sea

Come and sea me

Can’t sea the wood for the trees

Don’t get tide down

Having a whale of a time

Channel surfing

Don’t be nauti

Sowing the sea-ds

turtle swimming amongst fish in the ocean

Short ocean captions for instagram

Keep it tide-y

We tide the knot

Go against the tide

Current events

I’m so tide

You can run but you can’t tide

The tide has turned

High tide

I’m tide up right now

Keep it at bay

Yeah, buoy

First come, first surfed

Surfs you right

If memory surfs

A drop in the ocean

Cold shoal-der

small child playing in the sea on a beach

Short ocean puns

Water you doing?


Water you think?

Water ‘bout me? (more water puns here)

You shore can

It shore is

I’m not shore about that

This shore hits the spot

Are you shore?

I didn’t do it on porpoise

The coast is clear

Go with the flow

Whatever floats your boat

Don’t rock the boat

Fishing for compliments

Stay salty

Off the deep end

One last funny ocean pun

I was going to make a joke about the ocean… but it’s too deep for me.

And there you have it: a deep-sea dive into the world of ocean jokes. We hope you found these ocean puns and quips as cool as a sea breeze and that they brought a splash of humour to your day. 

More funny puns and jokes

We’ve got lots of family-friendly jokes to keep the fun going:

Pin for later: the best ocean puns and jokes

115 best ocean puns and ocean jokes to make a splash

The post 115 best ocean puns and ocean jokes to make a splash appeared first on Growing Family.

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