Weekend Reading 12.31.23

Happy New Year’s Eve! It’s a fresh start and new beginning for us all come tomorrow. I prefer to stay in on NYE so you’ll find me cuddled up in pajamas playing games until the clock strikes twelve. Thankfully, the Christmas decorations are all put away and I’ve just finished restyling our cozy downstairs study, pictures to come this week.

Then I’m off to Florida to finalize the preparations on the house for short term rental through the high season that starts in January. The Gulf Coast is a very popular destination in the winter months so we hired a property manager to help us rent our home to visitors. I’ll share photos of some pretty sunsets and tropical botanicals during my brief stay at our home in Sarasota.

As I was browsing for links to share I noticed a lot of articles about design trends (predictable for this time of year) and there are many opinions about what’s to come in 2024. It’s interesting to read, but I’m always an advocate of being true to yourself and decorating your home in the way that appeals to you most, and makes you the most comfortable in the space that you live in.

Favorite links from the week:

Weekend Reading 12.31.23

This renovated split level cottage in New South Wales.

Opinion: interior design trends to retire from 2023.

Design trends to anticipate in 2024.

More design trends predicted for 2024.

Kitchen design trends for 2024.

Well done: from brick to modern fireplace makeover.

Eight different methods for decluttering in January.

20 more great decluttering tips.

This simple yet clever way to store your holiday lights until next year.

The status of the world’s population.

Bookmarked for the future: this train ride through the Rocky mountains.

Where people are traveling in 2024.

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