The 2024 1800 Minute Challenge

The 2024 1800 Minute Challenge

The 2024 1800 Minute Challenge

New Year, New YOU! If you need to hit the reset button on your physical health for 2024, the #LIY1800MinuteChallenge is for you! The concept is simple – complete 1800 minutes of exercise by March 31st! It’s amazing what changes you can see and feel in such a short amount of time with just a little bit of hard work. If you think about it, that comes out only 20 minutes a day! I am excited to rally together and do this thing! Here are a few things before we get started…

Step 1: Sign up HERE!

Sign up here to get your downloadable tracking form, be added to the list of eligible participants, and get updates throughout the #LIY1800MinuteChallenge!

Step 2: Complete 1800 Minutes of Exercise

Complete 1800 minutes of activity between January 1 and March 31! Any form of movement counts – whether it’s cardio, strength-training, classes, sports, etc! As long as you are getting in movement, it counts! Personally, I get the majority of my minutes in between spinning classes on my Echelon bike [use code LIYSAVE to save!] and walking the pups! PS Don’t forget to use the hashtag #LIY1800MinuteChallenge so we can cheer each other on along the way!

Step 3: Submit Your Form For a Chance to Win!

Once all 1800 minutes are done, submit your form HERE! By March 31st [or whenever you have your 1800 minutes done!] you’ll need to show me your completed spreadsheet in order to be eligible to win the grand prize of a $250 Lululemon gift card! Remember you must complete all 1800 minutes to win! One winner will be selected and contacted via email on April 1st! Submit your form here!

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Good tunes = Good Workout

There’s no better way to get in the right workout mindset than with the right tunes! We’ve whipped together a playlist full of pump up music, which you can listen to here!

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