85 best bean puns and bean jokes to make you laugh

Welcome to the fantastic world of bean humour! Prepare to embark on a laughter-filled journey where legumes take the spotlight with these hilarious bean puns and bean jokes.

85 best bean puns and bean jokes to make you laugh

The best bean puns and bean jokes

From witty wordplay to pun-tastic humor, these bean jokes are as diverse as the different types of beans themselves.

Get ready to have a good laugh and maybe even spill a few beans as you dive into this collection of family-friendly bean puns that’ll leave you rolling in the aisles (not the grocery store aisle, though!).

Funny bean jokes

Let’s kick things off with a harvest of funny bean jokes.

1. What do you call a lazy bean? A slow cooker.

2. Where do beans go on holiday? The Carib-bean.

3. What do you call a retired vegetable? A has-bean.

4. What kind of show do green bean plants record? Pod casts.

5. What type of bean is the fastest? The runner bean.

6. Why are beans good at keeping secrets? Because they don’t want to spill the beans.

7. What kind of vegetable can tie your shoelaces? String beans.

8. What did one pea say to the other pea “How you bean?”

9. Why did the bean sell his car? The back seat didn’t have enough legume.

10. Did you hear about the bean who looked just like his dad? Like lava, like son.

11. What’s a bean’s favourite musical instrument? The beanjo.

12. Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a vegetable garden? Because the beans talk.

13. What do you call a cat that likes to eat broad beans? Puss ’n’ Toots.

14. How do soy beans greet their friends? “I’m soy happy to see you!”

More jokes about beans

Still hungry for more bean jokes?

15. Why did the bean get promoted? Because it was outstanding in its field.

16. How did the bean ask the other bean for help climbing the garden cane? “Can you give me a legume up?”

17. What movie do beans love the most? Pirates of the Carib-bean.

18. How did the coffee bean feel about its performance? It thought it had brewed up quite a show.

19. What do you call a group of trendy beans? Cool beans.

20. What do you get when you mix onions and beans? Tear gas.

21. What’s a werewolf’s favourite bean to eat? Human beans.

22. Why should you invest in the bean market? Because the stalks can only go up.

23. What vegetable comes from outer space? Green beings.

24. What kind of beans don’t grow in a garden? Jelly beans.

25. Why was the bean always so cool? It was just chilli.

26. What vegetable is always jealous? A green bean.

27. Knock, knock.  Who’s there? Bean. Bean who? Bean a while since I saw you!

28. What do you call a magical bean? A charm-string bean.

peas and pea pod in the shape of a smiley face

Even more silly beans gags

Let’s spill the beans on some more seriously funny bean jokes.

29. What did the bean say at the end of its performance? “You’ve bean a great audience!”

30. How do baked beans learn from their mistakes? They use Heinz sight.

31. Why couldn’t the baked bean answer the doorbell? It was in the can.

32. Why did the bean blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.

33. What did the coffee bean say when it won a singing competition? “I really espresso-ed myself.”

34. What do you get when you cross a cow with a coffee bean? De-calf.

35. What happens to coffee beans when they have a similar experience? They get deja-brew.

36. Why can’t you trust a taco? It tends to spill the beans.

37. Why were the two bean plants so close? They had deep roots.

38. What vegetable can tie your stomach in knots? String beans.

39. What did the bean say to the gardener? “Stop picking on me!”

40. How are coffee beans like teenagers? They both keep getting grounded.

41. Did you hear about the bean that changed career? She went into a different field.

42. A garbanzo bean was looking ill.  Its friend asked “Are you OK?” It replied “No, I falafel.”

Jelly bean puns

43. What do you get when you cross jelly babies with jelly beans? Beanie babies.

44. Why did the jelly bean turn green? It was feeling a little jelly.

45. What do you get when you cross a jelly bean and a cake? Sweet treats.

46. I’ve been told green beans are good for you. But why are they better than the other jelly bean colours?

assorted dried beans

Funny bean puns

These corny bean puns will leave you full of beans…

47. I’m bean productive today

48. Bean and gone

49. I’ve got a bean to pick with you

50. Don’t spill the beans

51. Bean there, done that

52. Bean up your act

53. Beans to an end

54. The bean-ing of life

55. To bean or not to bean, that is the question

56. Peachy bean

57. We’re meant to bean

58. I’ve bean thinking of you

59. Beandle of joy

60. Bean and not heard

More puns about beans

Not had enough bean puns yet? Read on…

61. That’s un-bean-ievable

62. I bean-ieve in you

63. Bag it and bean it

64. Bean around the gills

65. In the beantime

66. Bean one, bean them all

67. Squeaky bean

68. Bean as mustard

69. Don’t make a bean

70. I’m full of beans

71. Bachelor pod

72. A pod of gold

73. Against all pods

74. You’ve bean brilliant

coffee beans and ground coffee

Coffee bean puns for instagram

Get your daily humour fix with these short bean puns about coffee beans. They’re perfect for social media posts too.

75. Work, roast and play

76. Roast of the town

77. Lost and ground

78. Love is where you grind it

79. Common grind

80. Delusions of grindeur

81. Random acts of grindness

82. Bear in grind

83. Cruel to be grind

84. In the grind scheme of things

One last bean pun…

85. Do you think these bean jokes are funny? We’ve bean practicing all day 😉

And that’s a wrap on our bean-tastic joke fest! We hope this collection of bean puns and playful quips have brought a chuckle to your day and tickled your funny bone. Whether they’re a black bean, green bean, pinto bean, lima bean or kidney bean, beans always know how to bring a smile!

More family-friendly puns and jokes

Head this way for more family fun:

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85 best bean puns and bean jokes to make you laugh

The post 85 best bean puns and bean jokes to make you laugh appeared first on Growing Family.

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