175 funny art puns and art jokes for creative laughs

Prepare to embark on a journey through the colourful and vibrant world of art humour with these funny art puns and art jokes.

175 funny art puns and art jokes for creative laughs

The best art puns and art jokes

Whether you’re a seasoned artist, an art aficionado, or simply someone who appreciates a good laugh, this roundup of the funniest art puns will paint a smile across your face.

Sharpen your pencils, and get ready to brush up on your laughter skills with this gallery of art-inspired jokes that are sure to draw out some giggles.

Funny art jokes

Let’s kick off the creativity with some great art jokes.

1. What did the canvas say to the paint? “Stop brushing me off!”

2. What do you call a drawing of a cow? A moo-sterpiece.

3. Why did the pencil go to school? It wanted to improve its “lead”ership skills.

4. What did the student say when the art teacher asked her why she was staring at an empty piece of paper? “I’m drawing a blank.”

5. What do you call a painting by a cat? A purr-trait.

6. Who’s the king of the pencil case?  The ruler.

7. Can you name a famous barnyard painter? Vincent van Goat or Pablo Pigcaso.

8. What do pirates do in their free time? They make arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.

9. Where do vampires go to buy their art supplies? Pencil-vania.

10. What do you call a drawing of a dog? A pet-encil sketch.

11. What’s an artist’s motto? “Let’s paint the town red!”

12. Why was the pencil such a good comedian? It knew how to draw out laughter.

13. What did the art thief say to the museum curator? Give me all your Monet.

14. Did you see the display of still-life art? It wasn’t at all moving.

woman painting art on a canvas outdoors

Artist jokes

There are lots of funny artist jokes and artist puns out there – here are our favourites.

15. What’s an artist’s favourite fruit? Draw-berries.

16. How does an artist get into a secret society? They draw the right conclusions.

17. Why did the artist go to therapy? To sketch out their problems.

18. How did the artist win the painting prize? They had strokes of genius.

19. What was the artist’s favourite swimming stroke? The brushstroke.

20. What is Salvador Dali’s favourite thing to eat for breakfast? A bowl of surreal.

21. Why did the artist bring a pencil to bed? To draw the curtains.

22. What kind of shoes do artists wear? Sketchers.

23. What do famous artists do when they make a mistake? They face the mosaic.

24. Why did the artist add sugar to their paint? To make it more palatable.

25. How do old artists get around? Quite easel-y.

26. What’s an artist’s favourite vegetable? Arti-choke.

27. How did the portrait artist find the missing paintbrush? They brushed up on their detective skills.

28. Why do people like talking to artists? Because they make good canvas-ation.

29. How does a true artist write their CV? They draw from their experience.

30. Why did the artist bring a ladder to the art gallery? To take their art to new heights.

31. How does an angry artist fight? He challenges his rival to a doodle.

32. What did the artist feel like when he first visited the famous Paris art museum? It was Louvre at first sight.

33. How do artists stay cool? They find shade in their drawings.

34. What’s an Etch A Sketch artist’s worst nightmare? An earthquake.

35. Why don’t artists like to get in trouble? They fear the pen-alties.

36. How does an artist make a good first impression? They draw on their charm.

37. How do you support a sad artist?  Give them a shoulder to crayon.

38. Why did the artist break up with their easel? It wasn’t a stable relationship.

39. How does an artist apologise? They draw back their words.

40. Why did the artist get into landscaping? They wanted to draw closer to nature.

41. How does an artist sign their emails? Best brushes.

42. Why did the artist need a bank loan? Because they had no Monet.

43. Did you hear about the artist that always took things too far? She didn’t know where to draw the line.

44. How did one artist say hello to another artist? “Yellow!”

watercolour painting of a butterfly surrounded by art supplies

Painter jokes and painter puns

Add some colour to your gags with these silly painter jokes.

45. Why did the painter go to jail? Because they were framed.

46. What did the painter say to the wall? “I’ve got you covered!”

47. Why is it hard to talk to an abstract painter? Because they never go into detail.

48. What do you tell a painter who just had a breakup? “Try to brush it off.”

49. Why was the paintbrush so popular at school? It knew how to draw attention.

50. What does a painter do when he gets cold? He puts on another coat.

51. How many surrealist painters does it take to change a light bulb? A fish.

52. Why is it hard to tell when a famous painter is sad? Because they mask it well.

53. How did Leonardo Da Vinci never go hungry at night? He painted The Last Supper.

54. Why can mathematicians never become painters? Because their art is derivative.

55. Why was the world’s greatest painter’s wardrobe so small? They only ever needed one coat.

56. What happened when a ship carrying red paint collided with a ship carrying blue paint? Both crews were marooned.

57. What’s a paintbrush’s favourite exercise? Brush strokes.

modern canvas artwork

More funny jokes about art

Still hungry for a good joke about art? Read on!

58. I asked my art teacher how to draw people. He suggested I work on my personality.

59. What’s it called when someone mis-labels a colour? False ac-hue-sation.

60. Where do cows hang their paintings? In an art moo-seum.

61. What does a mummy colour wheel say to a baby colour wheel when it gets cheeky? “Don’t use that tone with me.”

62. It’s amazing that the ancient Greek sculptors made statues without arms. How did they hold the tools?

63. Why did the statue go to school? It wanted to be a little boulder.

64. Why was the sculpture always in demand? It had a chiseled look.

65. When should you fix a famous painting? When it’s Baroque.

66. I failed my art exam using the wrong pencil… I guess it wasn’t 2B.

paint palette and paintbrushes

Clever art puns

The world of art provides a whole palette of potential when it comes to good puns!

67. Look the art

68. Don’t get me arted

69. Breaking my art

70. Off to a bad art

71. Don’t upset the apple art

72. Break the muse

73. No muse is good muse

74. Ill at easel

75. A daub hand

76. Return to render

77. Bits and masterpieces

78. A day in the life drawing

79. Cut a long storyboard short

80. All things maestro pass

81. Scene as a whistle

82. Anything pose

83. Claim to frame

84. A household frame

85. I frame, I saw, I conquered

86. Hall of frame

87. Head for the quills

88. Quill at ease

89. Ink and you’ll miss it

90. Go for stroke

91. Blast from the pastel

92. Varnish into thin air

93. Bridge over troubled watercolour

94. In primer condition

95. All in a clay’s work

96. Airbrush it off

97. Art blanche

98. A change of art

99. In the comfort tone

100. On the home sketch

child with paint on hands

More puns about art

101. Paint sized

102. Seven year etch

103. A pigment of your imagination

104. Kick art your day

105. Make a fresh art

106. Sketched in stone

107. Face the mosaic

108. Mosaic to my ears

109. Chalk full of problems

110. Fighting chalk

111. Paint no mountain high enough

112. It paint over ’til it’s over

113. If it paint broke, don’t fix it

114. Not how you portrait it

115. Colour instinct

116. One art cookie

117. Flash in the pen

118. Now and pen

119. Hard to pen down

120. Look hue’s talking

121. Good things come to those hue wait

122. You know hue

123. Right back at hue

124. Bite off more than you can hue

125. Hue and far between

126. Bless hue

127. Once in a hue moon

128. I don’t have a hue

129. Jump the hue

130. Hue in the face

131. An artwork in progress

art paint palette

Painting puns for art lovers

132. Be still my beating art

133. Shade a tear

134. Shade away

135. Shade light on the matter

136. Make the shade

137. So shade back

138. Design draw

139. Draw dropping

140. Draw a line in the sand

141. Luck of the draw

142. Draw things to a close

143. A draw deal

144. Drawing a blank

145. The last draw

146. Fight tooth and draw

147. The crack of drawn

148. Always darkest before the drawn

149. Brand new drawn

150. All drawn and no brain

151. Absence makes the art grow fonder

152. Take the tint

153. Read the small tint

154. Hot under the colour

155. Wonders never cerise

156. Live to tell the teal

157. Be that as it grey

158. For gold time’s sake

159. Pros and bronze

160. Rose and shine

161. White the dust

162. One in a vermillion

163. Hanging by a red

164. Breathe a cyan of relief

165. For lilac of a better option

166. From taupe to toe

167. In the pink of an eye

168. Against the green

169. Get a mauve on

170. Going to brown

171. Don’t have a blue

172. Jade back

173. Long saffron

174. You had me at yellow

One last funny art pun to make you smile

175. I used to do fine arts, until I decided I didn’t like the arts. Now I’m doing just fine.

We hope these art puns and art jokes have added a splash of colour to your day and sketched a smile on your face!🎨 🖌️✨

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175 funny art puns and art jokes for creative laughs

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