Custom wall art and technology: augmented reality experiences

In today’s modern world, technology continues to revolutionise many aspects of our lives, including art. Augmented Reality (AR) technology has brought a new level of experience and interaction with art. Combining custom wall art with AR allows us to enjoy an interactive experience that adds a creative touch to any space.

Custom wall art and technology: augmented reality experiences

Understanding augmented reality

Augmented reality is a transformative technology that seamlessly integrates computer-generated images, videos, or information into our physical surroundings, fundamentally altering the way we perceive and engage with the world.

Distinguishing itself from virtual reality, which immerses users in entirely fabricated digital realms, augmented reality enriches our tangible reality by superimposing digital components onto it.

This innovative technology has found applications in various fields, from gaming and education to healthcare and navigation, revolutionising our daily experiences by providing real-time information, enhancing learning, aiding in medical procedures, and guiding us with context-aware directions. Augmented reality’s capacity to blur the lines between the physical and digital realms continues to shape industries, offering a glimpse into a future where our everyday interactions with the world are imbued with digital magic, deepening our connection to both reality and technology.

modern living room with wall art

Personal expression through custom wall art

Walls act as canvases for self-expression and creative vision. Custom wall art allows individuals to transform their spaces based on their preferences and aesthetics. The options for customising wall art are vast, ranging from photographs to paintings, tapestries or murals.

In the past, custom wall art only offered imagery without interactivity. However, thanks to augmented reality integration, wall art can now provide an experience beyond an image’s limitations. 

Enhancing personalised wall art with augmented reality

By incorporating augmented reality, personalised wall art can become more dynamic and captivating, offering viewers an immersive encounter.

Just picture entering a room adorned with a wall art piece showcasing a landscape. With an AR-enabled device, like a smartphone or tablet, you can scan the artwork and witness as the landscape springs to life. Birds may take flight, flowers might bloom, and even the sun could set, providing an engaging and ever-changing experience for those who behold it.

Moreover, augmented reality can introduce an element of life into wall art. For example, you can embellish a child’s playroom with a custom mural featuring animals. By utilising an AR app, children can scan the mural and discover facts about each animal, listen to their sounds, and observe them in motion. This interactive feature enhances the appeal of the wall art while also offering an enriching educational opportunity.

Enhanced shopping experience for personalised wall art

Augmented reality also elevates the shopping experience when it comes to wall art. With AR technology, customers can virtually preview how a specific piece of wall art would complement their space before purchasing. This removes the need to guess when selecting the artwork for a room, and allows for an informed decision-making process.

Customers can simply take a photo of their wall by using an app that supports reality (AR), and overlay various custom art pieces. This allows them to visualise how the artwork would complement their existing décor, colour scheme and furniture. You can try out sizes, styles and designs without hanging multiple art pieces on your walls.

person using a virtual reality headset while painting

Creating unforgettable experiences

AR technology offers possibilities for creating experiences with personalised wall art. Just imagine attending an art exhibition where the paintings come alive with a scan of your smartphone. Visitors can gain insights into the inspirations behind artists’ works, witness paintings being created in time, or even engage in the process through interactive elements. This fusion of technology and art creates a captivating experience for art enthusiasts.


Integrating augmented reality into custom wall art revolutionises how we perceive and engage with creations. From turning images into interactive artworks to enhancing the shopping experience, AR technology adds a new dimension to personal expression and creative vision.

Whether it involves creating a journey for kids, or curating a captivating art exhibition, the potential for custom wall art and augmented reality experiences is boundless.

The post Custom wall art and technology: augmented reality experiences appeared first on Growing Family.

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