A Mod & Moody Library

Lately I’m into all things dark and cozy and moody…. and I saw this new wallpaper from Kravet and LOVED the palette and pattern so much I wanted to make a room around it. Click images for links except for our best-selling Ivy & Santal candle which you can buy through our shop! I have had my eye one these sculptural chairs and FWIW we did this Maiden Home sofa in their mohair for a client and a furniture doctor (it had to get down to a very tight basement) thought it was Holly Hunt, that’s how good their quality is- and they saw the guts of it!

A Mod & Moody Library

This type of post got me thinking about posting some designs we’ve done over the years that did not make the cut, for various reasons. I think it could be interesting to share those and talk about what we loved about them and why they weren’t chosen by the clients. Yes?

The post A Mod & Moody Library first appeared on Elements of Style.

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