A beginner’s guide to shared ownership

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Saving for a deposit on a house can feel like a Herculean task, especially in the modern housing market. But what if there’s a solution that has been under your nose all along?

Enter, Shared Ownership. A concept as old as the British love for tea, but as refreshing as a summer’s day in Brighton.

A beginner’s guide to shared ownership

A brief history of shared ownership

Shared Ownership’s roots can be traced back to various cooperative movements in the UK. Historically, groups pooled resources to achieve common goals. And today, Shared Ownership remains a nod to this collective effort. It’s a brilliant way for you to own part of your dream house without bearing the brunt of its total cost.

Unpacking the shared ownership scheme

Imagine buying just a slice of a pizza instead of the whole pie. Shared ownership operates on a similar premise.

You buy a slice of the property, typically ranging from 25% to 75%, and rent the rest. As time goes on, you can buy more of your home, until one day, you’ve devoured the entire pie.

With this scheme, not only do you need a smaller deposit, but you also enjoy reduced monthly payments. It’s like having your cake (or pizza) and eating it.

Guide to shared ownership: is it worth the hype?

Here’s a quick guide to the key benefits of shared ownership:

  • Affordability: It’s the primary reason people flock to this scheme. You’re only required to put a deposit on the portion you’re buying, which can be incredibly pocket-friendly.
  • Stepping stone: It’s a golden bridge for those who wish to make the transition from renting to owning.
  • Equity building: Over time, you can expand your share, allowing you to benefit from any increase in the property’s value when you’re ready to sell.
  • Flexibility: As your financial situation changes, you have the option to buy more or less of the property.

Smart ways to maximise shared ownership

If you’re sold on the idea and are ready to sail the shared ownership ship, here are a few navigational tips:

  • Joint ventures: Consider pooling resources with friends or family. It’s a way to further reduce costs.
  • Discount hunts: Some schemes might offer discounts on property purchase prices. Also, keeping an eye on possible grants or tax benefits can significantly boost your savings.

Exploring shared ownership opportunities

Discovering the perfect shared ownership property requires diligence and determination.

Start by diving deep into what’s available from the various housing associations. For example, we were recently looking at this collection in Sussex. This region is renowned for its beautiful landscapes and prime properties.

a hand placing wooden blocks together in the shape of a house

The Sussex connection: a shared ownership paradise

When you think of the UK, places like London, Manchester, or Edinburgh might instantly spring to mind. But nestled in the southeast is Sussex, a gem that boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty.

Why Sussex is a shared ownership haven

  1. Historic charm: With its castles, ancient ruins, and picturesque villages, Sussex offers a dreamy backdrop for potential homeowners.
  2. Bustling local life: Sussex is not just about historic sites. The county is alive with buzzing market towns, festivals, and a vibrant arts scene. Owning a property here means being at the heart of cultural events all year round.
  3. Nature’s bounty: For those who yearn for greenery and the sea, Sussex delivers in spades. From the undulating South Downs to the chalky cliffs of the coast, it’s a nature lover’s paradise.
  4. Ease of commute: Close enough to London for work and yet distant enough for peace and tranquillity, Sussex provides the perfect balance for modern living.

Local amenities and attractions in Sussex

For those interested in shared ownership in Sussex, here’s a glimpse of what the region offers:

  • Brighton’s Royal Pavilion: A regal residence turned public attraction, this building is a testament to the opulence of the past.
  • South Downs National Park: A vast expanse of rolling hills, perfect for weekend hikes or picnics.
  • Lewes Castle: Offering panoramic views of the town of Lewes, it’s a trip back in time.
  • Shopping and dining: From quaint boutiques in Brighton Lanes to gourmet dining experiences at local bistros, Sussex is a treat for the senses.

The shared ownership legacy: more than just a scheme

Shared ownership isn’t just a financial scheme or a step on the property ladder. It’s a testament to our inherent human nature to collaborate, share, and grow together. It’s about building communities, forging connections, and creating homes filled with memories.

As you embark on your shared ownership journey, especially in a place as enchanting as Sussex, remember that every brick, every wall, and every window is a chapter of your story. A story that’s unique, inspiring, and quintessentially yours.

people holding house keys

Shared ownership FAQs: Clearing the Fog

How much should I save up?

The golden number is 5%. This represents your commitment and showcases your readiness for the homeownership journey. However, remember the journey involves other costs too, from solicitors fees to maintenance.

Are there any challenges?

Potential selling difficulties or restrictions on property usage can arise. Make sure to equip yourself with knowledge to navigate these issues.

Does shared ownership come with savings benefits?

Yes! As you’re splashing out less on mortgage interest, you might enjoy a bigger savings pot when the year wraps up.

What about maintenance?

Your shared home is like a shared responsibility. It’s essential to keep it in good condition. This not only preserves the property’s value, but also ensures that your shared ownership experience remains positive.

Who can take advantage of shared ownership?

First-time buyers, those with a limited household income, or individuals with a housing need are typically eligible.


Embarking on shared ownership might just be the beacon of hope for many. It’s a nifty way to dabble in the world of property ownership without diving into the deep end right away. The perks? A reduced deposit, flexibility, and the joy of owning a piece of your haven. Choosing shared ownership could be the solution to your property dilemma and a way to start out on the path to your housing dreams.

The post A beginner’s guide to shared ownership appeared first on Growing Family.

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