Expert pigeon control solutions and techniques

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Have you ever sat in your beautifully maintained garden only to hear that all-too-familiar cooing sound, looked up, and saw a flock of pigeons descending? Or maybe you’ve spent a small fortune cleaning up pigeon droppings from your car or repairing the damage caused by their nests on your property? You’re not alone. 

Many of us appreciate the charm of pigeons in our cities and parks, but when they invade our personal spaces, they can quickly turn from a fun part of nature to a bit of a nuisance.

In their quest for food and shelter, pigeons can often become unwelcome guests. They can leave behind a mess, damage property, and even pose health risks due to the parasites they carry. 

To keep pigeons under control humanely, you can check out an innovative solution for pigeon control here. In this article, we’ll take a look at a range of effective, humane solutions to control pigeon populations. Whether you’re dealing with a persistent pigeon problem at your home, office, or any other property, these expert tips and techniques to help you reclaim your space.

Expert pigeon control solutions and techniques

Physical deterrents

Physical barriers provide a practical and effective approach when looking to maintain pigeon-free spaces. One of the advantages of using physical deterrents is that they don’t harm the birds; they simply prevent them from roosting or nesting in specific areas.

One effective method is the installation of bird netting. As simple as it may sound, this tool can be a real game-changer. Bird netting serves as a physical barrier that denies pigeons access to preferred nesting or perching sites. It can be used in various settings, from rooftops and balconies to gardens and courtyards. The effectiveness of bird netting lies in its versatility and the fact that it poses no harm to the birds.

If you’ve got pigeons settling down on your ledges or rooftops, you might want to look into bird spikes. As menacing as they sound, bird spikes don’t harm pigeons. Instead, they make surfaces uncomfortable for the birds to land or nest on. They are easy to install, require minimal maintenance, and can be an immediate turn-off for a pigeon looking for a comfortable roosting spot.

Another resource in your pigeon control toolkit is the bird slope. This ingenious device is designed to create an angle that pigeons find difficult to land on. Fitted onto ledges, eaves, and beams, bird slopes can help to keep those areas pigeon-free.

Remember, the key to effective pigeon control is making your space unattractive to them. These physical barrier methods, when implemented correctly, can help you achieve that goal.

pigeon control bird spikes on a building beam

Use of repellents

Repellents can be a great weapon in your arsenal against pigeon invasion. Not all repellents harm the birds; many just deter them and encourage them to find a less considerate location. Here, we’ll explore different types of repellents and how they can help maintain your pigeon-free space.

Auditory repellents are devices that emit sounds pigeons find distressing or associate with danger. They play on the bird’s natural instinct to avoid predators or hazardous situations. These devices can broadcast predator calls or distress signals from other pigeons. Proper positioning is key; place them near popular roosting spots for the best results.

Next on the list are visual repellents. These devices create visual disruptions that make pigeons uncomfortable. Reflective objects, holographic strips, or bird scare balloons can all work to unsettle pigeons and discourage them from hanging around. Their effect, however, can diminish over time as pigeons may get used to them. Rotating different visual deterrents can help maintain their impact.

Last but not least, there are taste and smell repellents. These are substances you can apply to areas where pigeons like to perch. They produce a taste or smell that irritates pigeons, forcing them to seek out more pleasant surroundings. As with other deterrents, application, and reapplication in the correct locations are key for these repellents to work effectively.

CD's used to deter birds from eating plants

Technological solutions

In today’s modern age, technology plays a significant role in resolving many of our challenges, including dealing with pesky pigeons. There are various tech tools designed to help keep pigeons at bay, and they can be surprisingly effective when used correctly.

One solution you may want to explore is ultrasonic devices. These devices emit sound waves at frequencies higher than the human range of hearing but within the sensitivity range of pigeons. The high-frequency sounds are unsettling to pigeons, causing them to steer clear of areas where these devices operate. Ideal for indoor or enclosed spaces, ultrasonic devices can keep your home or business pigeon-free.

Another cutting-edge tool is the laser bird deterrent. These devices produce coloured laser patterns that confuse and scare away pigeons. Safe and humane, they can be particularly useful in darker areas, such as garages or barns, where the laser light is more visible. Remember, as with any device, correct positioning and occasional repositioning can optimise the results.

The post Expert pigeon control solutions and techniques appeared first on Growing Family.

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