125 summer jokes for kids and summer puns

125 summer jokes for kids and summer puns

Are you ready for some sunshine, laughter and family fun?  This collection of funny summer jokes for kids and summer puns are perfect for sunny days. 🌞

As the sun shines brightly and the days grow longer, there’s no better time to brighten your spirits with a good old giggle. From beachside chuckles to popsicle puns, these summer jokes are bound to make your summer shine even brighter.

125 family-friendly summer puns and summer jokes for kids to help you celebrate the season. Perfect for greetings cards and instagram pics!

The best summer jokes

We’ve got silly summer jokes for kids, summer dad jokes, beach jokes, hot weather jokes, and summer puns to keep you smiling.

As well as providing lots of laughs, you can use these summertime jokes and summer puns with your instagram and TikTok posts, or pop them in greetings cards for added sunshine.  Our nature hashtags might come in handy too.

young children wearing sunglasses lying on grass laughing at summer jokes

Silly summer jokes for kids

Ready to dive into a sea of summer laughter?  Let’s start with some silly summer jokes for kids.

What’s a frog’s favourite summer treat? Hopsicles.

How do you prevent a summer cold? Catch it in the winter.

What does Cinderella wear at the beach? Glass flippers.

What do you call a dog that likes to sunbathe? A hot dog.

What’s the most common insect found at the beach in summer? A beach buggy.

What do you get when you combine an elephant with a fish? Swimming trunks.

How is summer like Christmas? ’Tis the sea-sun to be jolly.

Funny jokes about summer

These funny jokes about summer will definitely get the kids giggling.

Have you heard of the martial artists who fought on the beach? They faced off in sand-to-sand combat.

How do you catch a squirrel in the summer? Climb a tree and act like a nut.

What do you call a beach that’s not beside the ocean? A sandy place.

Why don’t skeletons like summer? They have no body to go to the beach with.

Which letter of the alphabet is the coolest? Iced T.

What’s the best Shakespeare play to see in summer? A midsummer’s ice cream.

What do frogs drink in summer? Croak-a-cola.

sunflower against blue sky

Funny sun jokes

There’s a whole host of great jokes about the sun – here are a few of our favourites.

How does the sun drink water? Out of sunglasses.

Why did the sun go to school? To get brighter.

How does the sun cut its hair? Eclipse it.

How does the sun like its eggs? Sunny-side up.

Why did the sun get into a fight with the clouds? It didn’t like being overshadowed.

How does the sun organise a party? It planet.

Why didn’t the sun go to university? Because it already had a million degrees.

More sunshine jokes

Add some rays to your day with these sunshine jokes.

What’s the sun’s favourite type of music? Ray-ggae.

How does the sun feel after a workout? Solar-powered.

What do you call a sun that tells funny stories? A pun-shine.

What’s the sun’s favourite accessory? Ray-bans.

How does the sun feel in the morning? Dawn-tastic.

What’s the sun’s favourite day of the week? Sun-day.

children sitting on a picnic blanket laughing

Summer dad jokes

We couldn’t have a list of summer funnies without a few dad jokes about summer to make kids roll their eyes!

What is a cow’s favourite summertime activity? Going to the mooo-vies.

What do you get if you cross a dog and a summer flower? A collie flower. Find more flower puns in our roundup.

What’s a pirate’s favourite place to swim in the summer? The aarrrrr-ctic ocean.

Why don’t oysters donate to charity? Because they’re shellfish.

Why did the tomato turn red at the beach? Because it saw the salad dressing.

Why did the man put his money in the freezer during summer? He wanted cold hard cash.

What do you get when you throw a lot of books into the ocean? A title wave.

More jokes for summer giggles

What did one snow cone say to the other at the beach? “You’re looking cool!”

What do you call a snowman on a hot summer day? A puddle.

How does the ocean floor stay well-informed on the news? By following current events.

What crashes onto the shore on tiny beaches?  Micro-waves.

What do ghosts love to eat in summer?  I-scream.

What do you call a witch who lives at the beach? A sand-witch.

What’s brown, hairy and wears sunglasses? A coconut on vacation.

Why are mountains the funniest place for a summer holiday? Because they’re hill-arious.

summer sun lounger on a patio

Hot weather jokes

If hot weather is getting too much, these heat jokes and it’s so hot jokes will raise everyone’s spirits.

How does a dog stay cool in the summer? Pant-tastically.

What did the sunscreen say to the beachgoer? “I’ve got you covered!”

How do you keep cool at a football game? Sit next to the fans.

Why do bees stay in their hives during the summer? It’s too hot to bee outside. Head this way for more bee puns.

What did the pig say on a hot summer day? I’m bacon.

What did the sun say to the sand? “I’m hotter than you!”

What’s the hottest day of the summer? Sunday.

Why did the teddy bear say it was too hot? Because it couldn’t bear the heat.

Beach jokes

Summer and the beach go hand-in-hand, so here are some great beach jokes for you to enjoy.

Why did the banana go to the beach? Because it couldn’t find a peel.

What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing, they just waved.

What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay? A bagel.

Why don’t crabs share their food? Because they’re a little shellfish.

Which part of a fish weighs the most? The scales.

What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm tree. There’s a whole list of tree puns to explore.

What did one tide pool say to the other tide pool? Show me your mussels.

How do you organise a beach picnic? You sandwich it between two waves.

What did one beach say to the other beach? Long tide, no sea.

What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.

Why did the computer go to the beach? To surf the internet.

How do you know the ocean is friendly? It waves.

How do mermaids call each other? They use a shell phone.

Why did the detectives turn up at the beach? Something fishy was going on.

hand holding a watermelon slice next to a swimming pool in sunshine

Vacation jokes

Whether you’re counting down to a vacation, or just dreaming about being on one, these summer holiday jokes will help you create the right vibe.

Why did the scarecrow go on vacation? Because he needed a break from all the corny jokes.

Why was the maths book sad during summer vacation? Because it had too many problems.

How do you communicate with a fish on holiday? Drop it a line.

Why did the sun go on summer vacation? It needed a well-deserved ray off.

What did one sandcastle say to the other during their summer holiday? “You’re a shore winner!”

Why did the crab never go on summer vacation? It didn’t want to shell out for the trip.

Why did the ice cream take a vacation? It wanted to chill out.

What’s grey, has four legs and a trunk?  A mouse on holiday.

Where do sharks go on holiday? Finland.

Why did the robot go on vacation? To recharge his batteries.

Do fish go on holiday? No, because they’re always in school.

Where do sheep go on vacation? The baa-hamas.

Jokes about sunburn

Sunburn is no joke – but you can persuade the kids to stay still while you apply sunscreen with these jokes about sunburn.

What do you call a snowman with a sunburn? A puddle.

What do you call a bear that’s been out in the sun for too long? Grizzled.

What did the man say when he saw his sunburn?  “I feel red-iculous”.

How do you treat a sunburned pirate? With some arrrrr-gan oil.

What do you call a sunburned dog? A hot dog.

Why do bananas use sunscreen?  Because they peel.

What’s black and white and red all over? A zebra with sunburn.

young girl spinning around in a sunny field of flowers

Summer camp jokes

Send the kids off in style with some summer camp jokes.

What do you call a musician’s summer camp? Band campfire.

Why did the scarecrow go to summer camp? Because it wanted to learn some outstanding outdoor skills.

What did the fish say to its friend at summer camp? “I’m hooked on this place!”

What did the tree say to the summer campers? “I’m rooting for you!”

Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants to summer camp? In case he got a hole in one.

Why did the math book go to summer camp? It needed some natural log-arithms.

What do you call a bear in the rain at summer camp? A drizzly bear.

Summer puns

Still hungry for more summer themed fun? Here are some clever summer puns to make everyone smile.

Summer down

No mean heat

Sunny you should ask

Like father, like sun

Anything is popsicle

When all is said and sun

Catch a heatwave

That’s not sunny

Beyond the pool

bucket and spade in sand

Beach puns

How do you make a seaside day even better?  Add in some beach puns, of course!

Beachy keen

Seas the day

Making waves

Shell yeah

Just keep swimming

Getting my vitamin sea

Don’t worry, beach happy

Shell we go?

Sea you at the beach

Happiness comes in waves

Don’t get tide down

Long time no sea

Get to the other tide

Feelin’ beachy

We mermaid for each other

Having a beach ball

Don’t get tide down

sunrise against blue sky

Even more puns about summer

A few more summer puns to finish our summer celebration.

Pool your heels

In summery

Tropic like it’s hot

Girls just wanna have sun

Keep palm and carry on

Sun-day fun day

I can sea clearly now

Shell-abrate good times

Sun’s out, puns out!

Have these summer jokes and summer puns brought some sunshine to your day?

We hope you’ve enjoyed this collection of hilarious summer jokes for kids and summer puns.  You can find more seasonal silliness in these roundups:

For even more jokes, check out the lists of bird puns, cat puns, gnome puns, sunflower puns, plant puns, vegetable puns, potato puns, fruit puns, pumpkin jokes, halloween jokes and easter jokes.

And if you like your family fun with a nature theme, make sure you take a look at *A Year of Nature Craft and Play and *A Year of Nature Walks and Games.  They’re both full of nature activities, games and crafts for kids to enjoy all year round.

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125 family-friendly summer puns and summer jokes for kids to help you celebrate the season. Perfect for greetings cards and instagram pics!

The post 125 summer jokes for kids and summer puns appeared first on Growing Family.

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