My Favorites for Backyard Bird Watching

My Favorites for Backyard Bird Watching

The cutest bird feeders and accessories for bird watching!

Since we moved into this house I've become an avid bird watcher. I think it's because we have such big picture windows and we can easily see right out to the back patio

I find great joy in watching them and keep adding to their accommodations around our backyard. I've officially turned into my father. 🙂

Is this what happens when you get older? Ha! Or maybe I'm just enjoying the simple things more as I age. Let's go with that.

I wanted to show you a few of the things I've picked up for the birds lately and then some favorite items I've used for years. You know, in case you want to become a bird geek like me.

Our patio is our absolute favorite place to be on nice days. I love sitting out here, watching and listening to the birds in the backyard: 

large patio with fire pit
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The birds LOVE this bird bath I found it at Lowe's — it's a bird bath with a planter underneath:  
Bird bath with planter
I thought the combo of the two was such a good idea. It's pretty shallow so I do have to keep up with adding water every few days. 
I found this solar fountain for the bath and was super impressed with how well it works!: 
Solar fountain for bird bath
It just floats around — if it's in full sun it works great. It does not hold any kind of charge, so as soon as it hits any shade it will stop working. 
See how high it throws out the water?:

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