The most common reasons why your family may need to talk to a lawyer

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Most parents would rather do anything than think about the reasons why they might need a lawyer at some point. Things are hard for families in the UK at the moment, and contemplating another difficult scenario can feel like even more pressure.

However, planning for a rainy day is not the same as inviting it to happen; you’re just giving yourself an umbrella. None of us know what the future is going to bring. Whether it’s a family-shattering event, or a piece of admin that you can’t get your head around, it makes sense to have someone who knows what they are doing and has the relevant experience to help you.

The most common reasons why your family may need to talk to a lawyer

If someone has a serious accident

Accidents happen. Anyone who drives a car will have had more near misses than they might like to admit, and those stories about injuries at the workplace are not just fodder for insurance ads on TV.

If you or a family member has an accident, then you will of course have a lot more pressing concerns than a financial settlement. But it’s worth remembering that insurance companies can sometimes be tricky to pin down. A good solicitor can make sure that everything goes smoothly, so you can worry about the important thing: your family’s health.

If you are getting a divorce

Getting a divorce is gruelling, and you won’t have made this decision lightly. But even if you are splitting up amicably and have agreed how you are going to separate, you should still use a lawyer to get everything done properly. Especially if there are children involved. Things can become emotionally fraught, even with the best will in the world. Plus, there is bound to be lots of admin to take care of, and you don’t need to be worrying about what piece of paperwork to file next.

Legal aid solicitors can help with this emotional situation by guiding you through the process. The team at National Legal Service has a wealth of experience in dealing with divorce cases, as well as many other areas of family law. Get in touch to learn more about their caring approach and how they can help you.

If you run your own small business

The success of your business can be directly tied to your family’s stability. You’ll want to take care of any potentially damaging legal situations as quickly as possible. There are plenty of scenarios where you should talk to a lawyer that are not drastic or scary. For example, you might be thinking about opening a physical location, or bringing on some employees. It’s much better to talk to a lawyer who has experience in this area instead of diving in yourself.

There’s also a risk of running into a situation where another company or a client is threatening you with legal action. If this happens you should get a lawyer involved as soon as possible. You can end up making a lot of expensive mistakes if you try and find your own solutions. A lawyer will be able to advise you exactly what to do next.

If an estate needs to be settled

It is a terrible, earth-shattering event when someone you love passes away. The tidal wave of grief can make it difficult to focus on practical issues like the will. And if your loved one didn’t leave clear instructions, or if they made their will many years ago, things could get complicated very quickly. If someone feels like they have been excluded from the process, or if a mistake has been made in the execution of the will, this adds stress to an already difficult situation.

A good lawyer can make a huge difference by simply taking things off your plate. If you can find someone who has experience in helping with estate law, you can hand the details over to them and wait to hear what you need to do. This way, you can put your loved ones first.

If you are adopting a child

Deciding to adopt a child is a wonderful thing, and it can also be a challenge. If you embark on this journey it can be a very long one, with many checks that need to be conducted to ensure that the child in question is going to a suitable home.

You and your partner will need to answer a lot of questions about your lives, your work, and your past (yes, you’re going to need references). It can be even more complicated if you are adopting a child from overseas. Using a lawyer who has experience in helping prospective parents through the adoption process can be a big help. They’ll highlight the things you need to prepare when it comes to background checks and references, and explain how long you may be waiting for a result. They’ll also be able to give you support when it feels overwhelming.

None of us relish the idea of a family situation where we need to talk to a lawyer, but by considering the possibilities you can be prepared should the need arise.

The post The most common reasons why your family may need to talk to a lawyer appeared first on Growing Family.

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