Flowering trees and more unfurling

March 02, 2023
Flowering trees and more unfurling

Yesterday the Mexican plum (Prunus mexicana) burst into full bloom, transforming itself from bare twigs to fluffy white flowers seemingly overnight. And early! Last year, according to this blog post, the Mexican plum bloomed 2 weeks later than usual, in late March. This year it bloomed on March 1st!

Much of my garden is still in shades of tan from the Arctic freeze that bullied its way through Austin back in December. So it’s especially sweet to have the plum to enjoy right now.

Weather forecasters are saying a strong thunderstorm could blow in this evening. I hope the blossoms can hold on.

Looking longways across the back garden, another small native tree, Texas persimmon (Diospyros texana), is showing off white bark and tender new leaves. The persimmon narrowly escaped being crushed by falling tree limbs during the recent ice storm, so I’m especially grateful for its graceful shape and the glow of its pale trunks against the dark cedar fence. Those beaked yuccas (Yucca rostrata) aren’t too shabby either!

The ‘Wonderful’ pomegranate (Punica granatum) on the other side of the garden is also putting out new leaves, which glow an autumnal gold and orange. Hey, I thought this was spring!

No sign of spring yet on the weeping redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis ‘Traveller’), but it won’t be long. Meanwhile I’m appreciating its sculptural form.

‘Tangerine Beauty’ crossvine (Bignonia capreolata), a native cultivar, is starting to flower.

So is the native spiderwort (Tradescantia occidentalis).

Blue wall with blue yuccas and blue pool

Taking the side path uphill, you now have a view to the front garden, thanks to a new metal-mesh gate. A little extra air flow is nice too.

Here’s the gate from the other side, looking into the back garden. Nothing fancy, but it’s sturdy, and I love the inviting view it offers, even as it keeps out rabbits and armadillos. The steel frame and mesh will eventually develop a coating of rust.

A prickly pear heart wreath (metal) is the finishing touch.

Gopher plant (Euphorbia rigida) is electrically flowering in sunny spaces along paths. Most of it at this point is self-seeded, and I indulgently sidestep it, happy to have both foliage and flowers.

After the winter we’ve had here in Austin, spring is especially welcome. I know wherever you are, you’re feeling that way too.

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Digging Deeper

Make plans to attend the Budding Out Plant Sale & Festival on March 18 at the John Fairey Garden in Hempstead, TX. Rare and distinctive plants will be offered, as well as art, ceramics, jewelry, food, drink, music, and other entertainment for the whole family. Members have early access and get in free. Non-member admission is $5. Children 12 and under are free.

Experience the Surreal Garden at Zilker Botanical Garden, an enchanting neon-art display throughout the gardens, with food and drink, music and dancing, surreal performers, and interactive art sculptures. Surreal costumes encouraged! 25% of event proceeds benefit the Zilker Botanical Garden Conservancy. Runs April 6 (VIP Night), April 7-8, and April 13-15, from 6:30 pm to 11 pm.

Come learn about garden design from the experts at Garden Spark! I organize in-person talks by inspiring designers, landscape architects, and authors a few times a year in Austin. These are limited-attendance events that sell out quickly, so join the Garden Spark email list to be notified in advance. Simply click this link and ask to be added. You can find this year’s speaker lineup here.

All material © 2023 by Pam Penick for Digging. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.

The post Flowering trees and more unfurling appeared first on Digging.

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