Valentine’s Sweetheart Mix

Valentine’s Sweetheart Mix

If there aren’t sweets involved, is it even Valentine’s Day? I was looking for a quick snack activity to do with my kiddos [Lauren here, hi!], who are 2 and 5, and this was the perfect hands on way to get them involved. And when I say hands on, I mean they continued to stick their sweet little hands in and pull M&Ms out as we were making it. But I just think that means it was made with love *wink*.

So add these ingredients to your grocery list, whip up a batch of Sweetheart Mix with the sweethearts in your life! Enjoy!


Valentine’s Sweetheart Mix

Cook Time 20 minutes


  • 4 cups pretzels
  • 4 cups chex mix
  • 2 cups popcorn
  • 1 bag pink chocolate, melted
  • 1 bag white chocolate, melted
  • 1 bag Valentine's M&Ms
  • pink & red sprinkles


  • Melt the white and pink chocolates according to instructions
  • Mix the pretzels with one of the chocolates, mix the chex mix with the other chocolate. Stir to coat.
  • Add in sprinkles while chocolate is still wet.
  • Mix in M&Ms
  • Mix in popcorn.
  • Enjoy!

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