Three Clever Ways to Add Storage Around a Refrigerator

Three Clever Ways to Add Storage Around a Refrigerator

Three ways to customize the outside of your refrigerator with additional storage!

I love finding smart ways to add storage around the house, especially in the kitchen! I really enjoy figuring out ways to make better use of an underutilized spot.  

When I shared the start of our basement kitchenette last week (and listed the pros and cons of store bought kitchen cabinets), I mentioned the difference enclosing a refrigerator can make in a kitchen. 
One of the first DIY projects I worked on in our old kitchen was adding a DIY enclosure around the fridge. This makeover will go a long way to making a kitchen feel more custom and updated. 
PLUS, there are so many ways to add storage when you "build in" a fridge! I'm sharing the ways I've done just that. 

1. Add or extend the cabinet above a refrigerator. 

If your fridge doesn't have any cabinetry, adding a cabinet at the top with side panels will give it a custom touch. 
In our last kitchen, we already had a cabinet above but it was the same depth as the rest of the cabinets: 
short cabinet above refrigerator

Not super useful when you have to climb on top of the fridge to get to it! Ha!
So I figured out a way to extend that cabinet to the front without moving the original one. It worked so well! 
extended cabinet above fridge
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I was able to move the original cabinet doors to the one I built. 
I think some of my readers probably wondered where the heck that project was going after seeing the photo above, but after taking the cabinets all the way to the ceiling and adding pretty trim, it came together beautifully: 

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