3 tips for increasing space in your home

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Trying to find more space in your home can be quite a tricky task for many reasons, and moving home or knocking down walls isn’t always an option. It could be that you have a growing family, you’re not good at getting rid of unused items, or simply that you’re running out of storage space. Whatever the obstacle, there is usually something you can do about it to help create more space. Sometimes you don’t even need to physically make more space; you can create the illusion of space instead, and the room in question will not seem as messy or small as it once did.

Here are three tips for increasing space in your home.

3 tips for increasing space in your home

1. Utilise your furniture storage options

A great way to make your home feel more spacious, while also keeping it tidy and clutter-free, is to max out on furniture storage options.

For example, this could be done by installing built in wardrobes along the side or back of a room. This will not only make the room appear more spacious, but will also reduce the amount of furniture you need. Another example could be investing in a bed with storage underneath, which will remove the need for bulky dressing tables or drawers that take up space.

clutter on a desk

2. Declutter your home

Something that is generally on many people’s lists, but that never gets done, is decluttering. Over time many people collect vast amounts of “stuff” that they just do not use. These items slowly begin to take away your space, or fill up useful areas in your home.

Decluttering your home is not only low-cost, and beneficial to your health, but there are also no time restraints on doing it. If you find yourself with a spare five minutes you can tackle just that one drawer that has endless amounts of stuff in it. If you and your family have an afternoon, day, or weekend spare, maybe you could tackle a bigger space. The rewards are definitely worth the effort.

increasing space in your home with built in storage

3. Make use of unused or awkward spaces and rooms

Something to consider when you’re trying to increase the space within your home is to make the most of any awkward or unused spaces. These could be, for example, a small cupboard under your stairs that isn’t used for anything specific, or a spare room that has no purpose which you could convert into a useful space. Even places like your attic and outdoor shed could be taken into account. These are great places to store larger and less frequently used items, allowing for more space in your common living areas.

There are lots of other ways in which you can increase space and use your property to its maximum potential, but why not try one of these three tips first? Do you have a way of increasing space in your home that you’d like to share?

The post 3 tips for increasing space in your home appeared first on Growing Family.

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