How I’m Tackling My Three Big Clutter Areas in the New Year!

How I’m Tackling My Three Big Clutter Areas in the New Year!

How I'll be tackling my biggest messes in the new year!

The Christmas decor is put away, the garage is cleaned up and organized again, and it's finally time to take care of my three biggest problem areas in our home!
I LOVE this time of year! I really enjoy our simpler, clutter-free home after the holidays. (Although I was way more sad than usual to take down all of the decor this year.)
Since I started incorporating the Konmari decluttering method years ago, I rarely do major, intensive purges anymore. Because of that giant decluttering (that took me months!), I now constantly monitor and get rid of things we don't need or use. 
Also, a couple years ago I worked on a few BIG projects that allowed us to create permanent homes for so many items around the house! 
When I did the mud/laundry room makeover, I created all of this new storage for laundry, cleaning and utility items: 
cyberspace blue base cabinets
And I completely decluttered and reorganized our garage and all of my tools as well: 
organized wood and tools in garage
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Both of those spaces have been a godsend and have helped to keep our home more organized and clutter-free.
But I've avoided a few problem areas…or problem things that have piled up, for YEARS now. Some have always been an issue for me, and some I've pretty much ignored since we moved into this house in 2017. 
I thought I would share my vices in case you're considering tackling some of yours in the new year as well!
Let's start with the easiest one! 

1. Magazines and catalogs.

If you've read TDC for awhile, you know my love of home decor magazines and catalogs. I like to keep inspiring decor images and project ideas that I find, but I haven't taken the time to sit down and really look at them in a looong time.
My collection isn't as bad as it used to be — Pinterest and Instagram has helped to curb my love of home decor magazines. I rarely buy them anymore, but you wouldn't know that by the piles I had around!
The other day I decided this was going to be one of things I was going to sort through once and for all.
I walked around the house and gathered the piles to put in one place: 

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