Travel and parking options when flying

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When it comes to travel, planning for and booking your holiday or business trip can be a stressful process. However, there is often light at the end of the tunnel, as you get to enjoy your time away. You may be struggling to decide exactly how you’re going to get to and from the airport, and there are a number of factors that may be on your mind.

Travel and parking options when flying

Travel and parking options when flying

Many of us take the easy route and decide to ask friends or family to take us to the airport when we go away. While this is a good option when you want to save time and money, it could impact you in other ways.

For instance, you may opt for different flight times, or have to compromise on when you fly – and this could mean missing out on better deals. When this is the case, the alternative options are typically on-site and off-site airport parking, both of which have their advantages.


On-site airport parking

If you’re unsure what on-site parking means, it’s important to understand that many airports have parking facilities for travellers to make use of when they are taking a trip. These are often multi-storey car parks. You will pay a fee that will be determined by when you book, how long you need to park your car, and how close the car park is to the terminal. There will be shuttle services available to take you from the facility to your desired terminal; this can be quick and convenient overall.

Using this option can be rather expensive however, and lacks in an number of areas – the biggest being security. While there will often be CCTV and security guards, these measures are not infallible, especially as these car parks tend to see a high amount of footfall and people going in and out at all hours of the day. Thieves are often opportunistic, so if you are unfortunate to park in a blind spot or further away from the allocated guard stations, you may be at risk of theft or damage to your vehicle.

valet parking sign

Off-site airport parking

This is where off-site parking can come in handy. You will have a greater level of peace of mind, as most of these privately owned and operated facilities are not only gated, but security guards will have a much smaller space to monitor. Not only are they safer overall, but they also tend to have much better services and facilities, all while being more affordable. Travellers can expect assistance from friendly staff and a private shuttle to the airport, alongside valet parking, car wash facilities, car checkups, luggage help, electrical charging and more.

Finding the cheapest solutions

The good news is that while off-site airport parking can already be an affordable option, there are fantastic tools out there that can help you to save even more. These are comparison sites like, where you can quickly compare prices and check availability of parking spaces for off-site facilities all across the UK. You’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips and can book your preferred car park in as little as a few clicks.

The post Travel and parking options when flying appeared first on Growing Family.

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