My Letter to Santa, Found {30 Years Later!}

My Letter to Santa, Found {30 Years Later!}

My letter to Santa (30 years later) in the craziest of places!

I have a wonderful Christmas story for you! 
It started when I ran into Hallmark years ago to pick up something for our son. It was only the beginning of October, but they had quite a few holiday items out already. 
The employees were grabbing my order for me, and while I waited I noticed a beautiful Christmas book on the counter:
Letters to Santa Claus book
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It was called Letters to Santa Claus and because I love anything Christmas, I picked it up and starting looking at it. 
It really is a lovely book. I noticed in the first few pages that it's based on letters sent to the city of Santa Claus, Indiana and thought, wow, the Indiana connection is cool!
I was in a hurry so I very quickly scanned through some of the pages. Each page is a scanned letter to Santa, in its original form. What's really cool is they are separated into decades, with the first ones from the 1940's. 
Some letters are sweet, some funny, and a few are quite touching. 
What a treasure!
I had no idea what a treasure it would be. 🙂 You see, I only looked at a couple pages and was getting ready to put it down when I flipped to one more. 
I thought I was losing my mind for a minute. 

I was looking at my own (8-year-old) handwriting. 

I can't even describe how weird it felt looking at my writing in this book. I started reading and none of it was familiar to me at first. 
Then I saw the name at the bottom…Sarah. I couldn't even believe what I was reading. 
It was my letter to Santa: 

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