5 big monthly expenses that you might be able to significantly reduce

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Everyone wants to save money, but it can be much easier said than done. It can often feel like all of your hard-earned cash is going right back out the door on the monthly expenses that so many of us are faced with. 

While you can’t avoid some of these expenses, there are some that you can cut down on without too much difficulty.  From your living expenses to your utility bills, here are five big monthly expenses that you can significantly reduce.

5 big monthly expenses that you might be able to significantly reduce

Your mortgage

Mortgage or rent payments are likely to be the most significant monthly expense for many households. 

According to a study by Zillow, American homeowners pay an average of $1,502 each month on their mortgages alone. This doesn’t include other fees associated with home ownership. 

You can always reduce this expense by downsizing to a smaller home or apartment. Another option is to refinance your current mortgage and get a better rate or shorter loan term. Before choosing a new mortgage, you should compare mortgage rates at loandepot to get the best option.

Apart from refinancing your mortgage, other options such as house hacking (generating income from your home) or house sitting can also help you save money on rent or mortgage payments.

heating controls


Electricity, water, and gas bills take up a large portion of your monthly budget. By making some smart decisions, you can start saving money in ways you never thought possible.

It’s advisable to switch to more energy-efficient appliances, or invest in strategies such as solar panels.  For example, using fans rather than air conditioning and LED lights instead of traditional bulbs can help reduce energy costs.

You can also reduce your water bill by installing a rainwater collector and using it for tasks like watering your garden. As well as saving money, this is an easy way to garden more sustainably.

Furthermore, you should check if utility companies offer discounts that help cover the cost of switching to more energy-efficient technology.

car dashboard


Transportation is another considerable expense for many households; the average American spends nearly $10,000 annually to own and operate a car. This includes fuel costs and regular maintenance such as oil changes and services. 

You can reduce this expense by carpooling, cycling, walking, or taking public transportation.

If you need to drive your car, think about buying a hybrid or electric vehicle with better fuel efficiency and lower operating costs.  Using a rideshare service can also save you money in the long run.

monthly expenses - groceries


The best way to manage your grocery expenses is to create a weekly grocery list, and stick to it whenever possible.  This way, you only buy what you need and minimise waste.

Additionally, you can look into bulk purchases or online delivery services that offer discounted prices for specific items. You can also save money on grocery bills by using coupons or looking for sales and discounts in your local area. 

Finally, consider substituting certain items with cheaper alternatives, such as frozen vegetables instead of fresh produce, or generic brand items instead of branded products.

monthly expenses - insurance


Although insurance plans are important, they can also take up a chunk of your monthly budget. That’s why it’s essential to research different providers to find the best rates for your needs. 

You can save money by bundling your different types of insurance with the same company, or raising your excess. It will help if you also research your eligibility for any discounts. For instance, many providers offer discounts if you have a safe driving record, are over 55, or switch from one provider to another. 

Finally, ensure you’re not paying for any coverage you don’t need, or can get from other providers at a cheaper rate.

Have you used any of these methods to reduce your monthly expenses?

The post 5 big monthly expenses that you might be able to significantly reduce appeared first on Growing Family.

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