5 must-do winter gardening tasks

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Do you need some help when it comes to what to do with your garden during winter? This is the article for you!

You may be wondering why gardens even need maintaining through the winter, when pretty much everything looks dead. But even if your plants are dormant, your garden will continue to live throughout winter, with grass continuing to grow even in December. This means that you need to ensure you’re still completing those gardening jobs to keep your outdoor space looking great all year round.

5 must-do winter gardening tasks

Winter gardening tasks

Here are five important jobs to tackle that will keep your garden in tip-top shape throughout the winter months.

1. Prepare your soil

First up is to mulch your soil. Fortunately, this is a pretty easy job; all those autumn leaves make a great mulch (and if you’ve got any spare you can make leaf mould for next year).

Mulching soil helps to control winter weeds, creates an insulating blanket for plants, and protects the soil from harsh weather conditions. We recommend having about 2-3 inches of mulch on top of flower beds and soil areas to achieve this.

frost on shrub with berries

2. Protect plants

Plants that are tender may not get through the winter cold, and need to be relocated Indoors or into a greenhouse. This will give them the warmth that they need to survive. My post on protecting plants from frost and cold weather has lots of tips to help you get this important job right.

It’s a good idea to rotate your plants when inside, as they will grow towards the light. If you don’t do this then they could become lopsided.

winter gardening tasks - plant viola bedding plants

3. Get started with new plants

Late autumn and early winter is a good time to plant bare root fruit trees, roses and hedging. Spring flowering bulbs also need to be planted just before winter so they are ready to bloom in spring; be sure to get them in the ground before the frost sets in.

You can also add instant colour to the garden in winter with bedding plants like primroses, heathers, cyclamen and pansies.

winter gardening tasks - pruning

4. Prune trees and shrubs

As well as planting, some pruning needs to happen in winter too. This is done to remove any damaged and dead leaves, to give your plants the protection they need over winter.

You can also prune perennial plants, group 3 clematis plants, climbing roses and rambling roses in winter.

garden weeds

5. Clean and tidy

Make sure that you have moved any plant pots, garden furniture, leaves and debris from your patio, so that you can avoid stains.

Keep an eye out for any weeds growing in your garden too. By removing these on a regular basis you will avoid a big job when spring arrives.

Maintaining your garden throughout the winter period requires care, attention and the right tools. To make sure you’re fully equipped, take advantage of Argos discount codes to get what you need at more favourable prices.

Are these jobs on your list of winter gardening tasks?

The post 5 must-do winter gardening tasks appeared first on Growing Family.

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