Linen Drawer: Why Making Your Bed Every Day Can Change Your Life

It’s just one of those everyday chores we often take for granted. However, did you know that the simple act of making up your bed every day can have a positive impact on your entire day?

Here’s why you should be making up your bed each morning…

It’s a new day to achieve new things

Embarking on a new day is another opportunity to start afresh and achieve your goals. It’s a clean slate and what better way to focus on yourself and your goals than by straightening up your life (and your bed!)… In fact, we reckon that making time for this minor chore can set the tone for your attitude toward success for the rest of the day ahead! You’ll feel more in charge of things, more organised and more prepared to take on the rest of your day with hopefulness and goals in mind! It’s also a moment to clear your head and prep for the challenges of the day ahead rather than rushing out the door in a (half-asleep) frenzy.

Linen Drawer: Why Making Your Bed Every Day Can Change Your Life

Nobody wants to come home to an untidy bedroom

So you’ve left the bed unmade, because nobody will really see your bed for the entire day, right?! Wrong. After a busy day at the office, the last thing you may want to come home to is an unorganised bedroom and a messy bed! You are worth so much more than that. So make it a morning priority and you can come straight home to a cleaner space to rest and unwind without feeling overwhelmed by the mess! Slip into fresh sheets and you won’t have a worry in the world!

It may improve your sleep quality

Making your bed may have real results! In fact, a poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who make their bed in the morning are 19 percent more likely to have a good night’s sleep, every night.

Making your bed could make you more productive

Hear us out… According to Naval Admiral William McRaven, author of the book Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…and Maybe the World, if you start your day by making your bed, that means you can go ahead with the rest of your day knowing that you’ve already accomplished something. “It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another,” McRaven said in his 2014 commencement address at the University of Texas at Austin. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.”

It could help you adopt better everyday habits.

Tidying your bed can become a positive habit that translates into your everyday life. Like that of a domino effect where this one positive practice causes results in other positive choices throughout your day.   Writer Charles Duhigg explains in his bestselling book, The Power of Habit: “Making your bed every morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking with a budget,” Duhigg writes. “It’s not that a family meal or a tidy bed causes better grades or less frivolous spending. But somehow those initial shifts start chain reactions that help other good habits take hold.

Making your bed may not instantly change the world, but it can lead to the right attitude and choices that can make a huge impact. If you’re looking for quality linen to bring a sophisticated touch to your bedroom, visit Linen Drawer and shop their comprehensive range of superior bedding and bath linens now.

For more visit Linen Drawer.

The post Linen Drawer: Why Making Your Bed Every Day Can Change Your Life appeared first on SA Decor & Design.

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