A beginner’s guide to choosing and looking after a greenhouse

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William Morris famously said “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” The same is true of your garden, and a greenhouse can tick both boxes.

A greenhouse is the best way to protect tender plants over winter and to grow new plants from seed earlier than you could outside. It can also look fabulous and really enhance your garden’s overall look.

Gardening in the UK has seen a massive growth spurt over recent years. Spending has shot up from under £4 billion in 2005 to a thriving £8 billion spend by 2021. Greenhouses are definitely part of this trend – but how do you choose the right one? And once you’ve got it, how do you care for it?

A beginner’s guide to choosing and looking after a greenhouse

Sowing seeds: choosing the right greenhouse

At first, the number of types of greenhouses can seem a little overwhelming. But don’t throw in the trowel just yet. Sure, there are lots of possibilities, but that’s a good thing. To start the buying process you need to answer two key questions.

1. How much space do you have available?

Choosing the right greenhouse is all about proportion. Yes, it’s nice to go big, but you need to think carefully about how a large greenhouse will look in a tiny garden.

A modest garden will be best suited to a modest greenhouse. It doesn’t have to be cripplingly demure; it just needs to be slightly less of a statement than the one in Downton Abbey’s grounds. Consider one that tucks in nicely by the wall, or perhaps a cold frame.

2. What style does your garden currently have?

If your garden is a haven of traditionalism, say a classic English cottage garden, you’re going to want to steer clear of ultra-modern designs. A modern greenhouse plonked amid your penstemons will just look odd. Traditional shaped greenhouses abound and will look entirely at home in your cottage garden setting. Or, for sleeker modern looks you can go down the polytunnel path.

greenhouse potting bench

Care and tending: looking after your greenhouse

How much you have to do to look after your greenhouse will depend on a few factors.

One is the construction material. The traditional route of glass and wood is the most labour-intensive. Wood needs regular treatment or painting. Glass looks amazing when clean, but shows up the dirt when not. More modern materials such as polycarbonate, PVC and aluminium will make for an easier life and will in all likelihood prove more durable too.

Another factor to bear in mind is whereabouts the greenhouse is situated. If it’s under a busy route for local birds then you’ll see the usual souvenirs of such activity, laid on your panes for all to see. Best advice here is to keep a long-handled mop handy…

Greenhouse selection and care is fairly straightforward. It’s a matter of thinking about the context of your garden, and how much maintenance you’re happy to handle. Keep these things in mind and you’re well on the way to finding the perfect greenhouse for your outdoor space.

The post A beginner’s guide to choosing and looking after a greenhouse appeared first on Growing Family.

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