Before You Purchase Any Artwork, Try This Trick First

Before You Purchase Any Artwork, Try This Trick First

I don’t know about you, but making decor decisions is a struggle for me. It’s not the big-ticket items that give me pause. It’s the little touches that send me into a spiral. The trickiest one of all: art.  Maybe it’s because art is often the the key to finishing a room, or because art is always on display. My lowest point? Buying a bunch of frames and not putting anything in them for three years. True story.

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Totally stark white walls became my normal until a lightbulb moment hit. I’m constantly printing out images of beautiful homes in a one-day-it-will-be-mine kind of way. That’s exactly what I needed to do with art. Print it out and look at it as thought it were a tear sheet. Simple. 

Before I decide on any piece of art, I print it on my home printer (even with the watermark or pixelated — it’s better than nothing!) and stick it on the intended wall. If I still like the art after a week or two, then it goes into my shopping cart. If not, it goes in the trash. If I’m unsure, it gets moved to another room for a new perspective. This little trick takes barely any time or effort, and I get to live with my potential art before spending money on it.

Indecisive or not, if you’re planning a gallery wall or looking for a single statement piece, trying it out first takes away all the guesswork. You instantly get to see how the art plays with the rest of your decor. Equally important, you get a clear idea of how much you’re drawn to the piece or not. If there’s a partner to convince in the equation, it’s a heck of a lot easier than looking at a screen. The best part?  There’s no buyer’s remorse, which is something I’m all too familiar with.  

My once white walls are now bearing artwork that resonates with my personality, making me feel more at home. 

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