This Old-School Kitchen Trend Might Be Making a Comeback

This Old-School Kitchen Trend Might Be Making a Comeback

Whether your home is brand-new or a few decades old, you can still find simple ways to give it character and charm. This one old-school decorating idea might be a great place to start, and it’s typically something that’s best applied in kitchens. Any guesses?

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Sonia Sanz owns a cozy 1600-square-foot cottage in Barcelona, Spain, that she’s spent the last year transforming into a picturesque bed and breakfast. Before purchasing this property, Sanz also owned a home decor shop called TOC TOC. When the pandemic hit though, she felt inspired to start a brand-new project. In her house tour, Sanz says that, “with a little effort and help from destiny,” she found this century-old house where she could let her creativity run wild.

Before renting this property out to travelers, Sanz, her husband, and their two daughters lived in the house to get a feel for the space and what it needed to be as comfortable and welcoming as possible. “We love to come and live in the house in a simple and natural way, with no TV or microwave,” Sanz says. “Without a doubt, the kitchen is my favorite place in the house. It’s where we spend most of our time and enjoy every meal as a family.” The kitchen might have some modern conveniences — like an oven, for example, but the one thing it doesn’t have? Lower cabinet doors. That’s because Sanz chose to go doorless, hanging a red plaid fabric skirt instead, and I have to say, I’m into the skirted sink look here.

To make this setup even more adorable, Sanz added a matching valence on the kitchen’s main window. However you personally feel about ruffles on ruffles, there’s something plain, simple, and lovely about this old-school solution. Sink and furniture skirts have their pros: They’re a great way to accent an area you love (in this case, the kitchen sink and pretty view outside), and they’re super-easy to change out on a whim and just throw in the wash to clean (which can’t be said for cabinet doors).

When decorating a home, Sanz believes it’s important to be yourself and not chase fads or trends. “I love things that are timeless,” she says, and these vintage-looking kitchen skirts are a perfect example of her taste. So if you’re a vintage lover looking to incorporate a little Old World charm into your home, this could be a place to start. If you ask Sanz, she’d definitely tell you that “unique elements like this will give originality to any home.”

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