Vibeke Fonnesberg Schmidt plays with light and transparency with plexiglass wall light

Vibeke Fonnesberg Schmidt plays with light and transparency with plexiglass wall light

Designer Vibeke Fonnesberg Schmidt has created a range of wall-mounted lights made of plexiglass, which are highlighted as part of our Dezeen x The Mindcraft Project 2022 collaboration.

Called Wall Light, the “almost two dimensional wall objects with graphic qualities” are one of 10 Danish designs presented in The Mindcraft Project exhibition.

Photograph of a wall-mounted light made of different colours
Each Wall Light layer presents a different transparency, colour and shape

Built from overlapping layers of plexiglass, each light fixture was designed to diffuse light, while allowing people to see the composition formed from the differing levels of transparency.

“Plexiglass is fantastic for working with light,” said Copenhagen-based designer Fonnesberg Schmidt.

“It can be cast in any translucency from transparent to opaque. This means I can control the light.”

Photograph of the Wall Light details
The colours of the plexiglass have been custom made

Each Wall Light is made from a combination of varied sized ovals of plexiglass arranged on a grid and supported in a brass structure.

Fonnesberg Schmidt combines the pices to create compositions she describes as “controlled randomness”.

Photograph of the Wall Light designer in her studio in Copenhagen, Denmark
Fonnesberg constantly explores the interplay of shape, colour and light on her work

“When I build the light, I work with a kind of controlled randomness,” explained the designer.

“If positions or colours are too planned, they get uninteresting, and I have ways of cheating my mind to allow an element of randomness that actually adds some energy to the composition.”

Wall Light is part of Fonnesberg’s ongoing investigation into the interplay of material, colours, shapes and lights.

Dezeen x The Mindcraft Project 2022

Dezeen x The Mindcraft Project 2022 is a partnership between Dezeen and Copenhagen Design Agency. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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