Simple Tips to Decorate on a Budget Without Compromising Style

Simple Tips to Decorate on a Budget Without Compromising Style

Gather imagery 

I am a deeply visual person so when I’m working on a new project whether it be a small update or a complete overhaul, I always amass a collection of inspirational imagery, typically in a binder, slideshow, or private Pinterest board. When I feel I’ve collected as many as I can find, I will allocate time to trawl through them and see what commonalities arise. More often than not, there is a through-line that connects them all. I look for those overarching themes, things that permeate each image such as the color palette, textures, and materiality—then I hone in and get super specific. I think it’s really important to collect as many visuals as possible and see what you navigate toward the most, what makes your eyes swoon. If you want to go a step further, print and pin them to a mood board on the wall and add/subtract visuals to get a holistic picture—here’s a step-by-step process on how to make a pinboard like mine.

Map out the room

The pace at which you order products depends entirely on your budget, of course, but typically I recommend spending time on the configuration of your room first. Once you land on a general look and feel, then you can start planning the foundational pieces. For example, if you’re decorating a living room, you really want to start from the ground up—find a rug that anchors the room and sets the color palette, followed by larger pieces such as the sofa and accent chairs (if you have room), then the coffee table, side tables, and lighting. Smaller decorative objects can be purchased towards the end to bring it all to life. I always recommend saving up for one to two investment pieces that will establish the tone but also stand the test of time with their classic, timeless appeal.

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