The 8 Skincare Products I Swear By

The 8 Skincare Products I Swear By

I can speak about food and flavors for hours on end. I can dive into a discussion surrounding design history or the mechanics of a well-appointed room with absolute conviction but beauty and skincare… it just isn’t my thing. I have used the exact same products for years—I am loyal and consistent. At 47 years young, my skincare regimen is simple and streamlined for ease and efficacy. But there are a few things I swear by.

I wear sunscreen daily—sun drops by Dr. Barbara Sturm, always. I also use her super anti-aging serum and eye cream religiously (I’ve been using the brand for about five years and I really do swear by it). I wash my face with Caudalíe foaming cleanser. I also use Noble Panacea Absolute Moisturizer and Furtuna Skin Biphase Moisturizing Oil and Vintner’s Daughter serum in winter when my skin is dry.

As far as preventative and upkeep, Dyer Dermatology takes care of my skin and keeps me looking fresh and glowy with Aqua Gold Fine Touch and Clear + Brilliant laser periodically. And yes, micro botox here and there, too.  Okay, that’s me truthfully. Keep reading to shop my skincare routine!

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