Linen Drawer: Tidy Up & Sleep Soundly

It is said that “a tired body and relaxed mind ensure sound sleep”.  The team from Linen Drawer suggest that this is only half of the story. 

Linen Drawer: Tidy Up & Sleep Soundly

The space – the where and what – also influences our sleep, and resultantly our lives.  If your bedroom and bed are untidy, cluttered and grungy, your sleep will be affected.  Multiple studies have been done around this fact. 

Tidiness affects everything – our sleep, our moods, our productivity, our ability to cope with life’s little arrows. 

But I can hear you saying how to get there? 

Follow these guidelines…

(Hint: start with your bedroom)

  • Tackle only one room at a time – then break it down into specific areas. For example, your bedside table, dressing table, that chair draped in clothes, or those hooks behind the bedroom door.
  • Get the music going – choose a playlist that energises you, you’ll need it!
  • Take a long look at what you can toss – those scuzzy pillowcases? Old bedding can be re-purposed, as can many items gathering dust on your surfaces. Aim for clear and clean.
  • Evaluate your bedding – is it time to visit those friendly people at Linen Drawer? Do you need a new mattress? Again, Linen Drawer/Viking beds – Note they have everything!
  • Is the colour of your walls driving you up the wall? – Paint is cheap and a simple feed good solution.
  • What does your room smell like? – air your bed (at least 20 minutes), open windows, invest in an aromatherapy diffuser or scented candles. Get rid of musty blankets and throws. You deserve to fall asleep in clean fresh air under clean fresh bedding.

After all this you deserve a reward: Watching that series on Netflix or settling with that wonderful book will make you feel you’ve earned every moment of enjoyment.

Cherish that sense of accomplishment and look forward to sleeping soundly knowing that you deserve the complacent glow of a tidying ninja!

For more shop some of our favourite products at Linen Drawer. 

The post Linen Drawer: Tidy Up & Sleep Soundly appeared first on SA Decor & Design.

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