Atmosphere Furniture: 6 Things To Look For When Buying A Bed

Make the most of your beloved bedroom and invest in the one piece of furniture that can bring you endless joy – a bed! It’s the place where we spend up to 1/3 of our lives and yet we often overlook this fundamental furniture item. It’s time to give it the prime place it deserves and choose a bed that will offer you everything you need to live and sleep, well.

Here are our top considerations for choosing the right bed…

Size up your room

Consider the actual floor size of your room when choosing a bed. Bigger beds may mean more space to unwind but in a smaller room, it can make your space feel a little claustrophobic. What about bedside tables and other furniture? These too will need floor space, so account for these bulkier items too when choosing the right fit for your room. You still want to comfortably move around in your room, so choose wisely.

Size up the bed

Now that you know the size of your room, it’s time to make the right choice of bed. If you have an existing mattress, be sure that it will adequately fit your new bed frame. When it comes to the size of both your mattress and bed frame, one size doesn’t necessarily fit all. It will depend on your needs and if you are sharing your bedroom with a significant other. While a king might be better for those sharing the space, a queen will subsequently fit into a smaller room.

Size up yourself

A standard king size bed is typically 188cm in length. This is usually long enough to comfortably fit the average person. However, if you or your partner is tall, you may require extra space. As such, a Queen or King XL bed may be the better choice here as it will give you more leg room to fit comfortably – without the worry that your legs will hang off the end of the bed. A King XL bed typically boasts a extra few centimetres in length, making it 200cm meters long.

Atmosphere Furniture: 6 Things To Look For When Buying A Bed

Choosing a finish

Your new bed can complement the entire look of your room. As the centrepiece in any bedroom, the finish of a new bed can make or break the whole design. We suggest choosing quality finishes to enhance the ambience you’re hoping to create in your space. Beautiful upholstered beds offer timeless elegance and a soft touch to a bedroom. Finishes like wood and metal can also bring a level of sophistication and an industrial look to complement a bold interior scheme. Whatever your choice, be sure to check out different finishes and select the ones that appeal most.

Choosing a style

Beds come in various styles – with or without headboards, lowered on the ground, or raised. Either way, The first place someone’s gaze fixates when entering the bedroom is the bed. Without a bed frame, your room will look unfinished. So choose a style that makes a statement and offers quality, support and functionality to your room. Regardless of size or design, bed style will influence the texture, tone, and overall feel of the room.

Choose durability

A bed will quickly become one of the most used items in your home. So, our suggestion is that you always choose quality and durability. Pick the best quality bed you can afford. It will become an investment that you will come to appreciate in years to come.

With all of these considerations in mind, shop your perfect bed at Atmosphere Furniture. We love the versatility of their offering and we’re sure you’ll find the ideal fit to meet your needs.

For more visit Atmosphere Furniture.

The post Atmosphere Furniture: 6 Things To Look For When Buying A Bed appeared first on SA Decor & Design.

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