How to design an en-suite for your master bedroom

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Adding an en-suite bathroom to your master bedroom is a significant project, and one that you naturally want to get right first time.

This type of renovation can require time, effort, and money, but if you plan it properly it will definitely be worth it.

Here are some handy tips on how to design an en-suite to help you tackle every stage of the project and create the en-suite bathroom of your dreams.

How to design an en-suite for your master bedroom

Make a plan first

Browsing bathroom fixtures and sampling paint swatches are fun activities, but they’re not the first thing to tackle when it comes to how to design an en-suite bathroom.

Start by planning your space and measuring to see what will fit. Once this is done, you can set a budget and timeline for the project.

These plans don’t have to be exact, but they can act as a blueprint for the rest of the project. They can also help you to prepare, and ensure that you don’t spend more on your en-suite than you expected or can feasibly afford.

en-suite bathroom

Choose the right bath or shower option

With a rough plan in place, you can move on to the fun part and start shopping for bathroom fixtures.

The first thing to consider is the bath or shower option, as this will take up the most space and impact on the other items you’ll have in your bathroom. It’s also often one of the more expensive items, so it pays to know what you want from the beginning.

Baths are a slightly more versatile option over showers, as they can also be used as a shower. However, baths do take up more space, especially if you choose a freestanding bath. While freestanding baths require a lot of room, they’re also incredibly luxurious, as the range from Bathshack highlights. These stunning freestanding baths can be a unique focal point for your en-suite if you’re looking to create a relaxing atmosphere. If you have limited space, consider a smaller tub that is fitted to the wall to ensure that you have enough space to move around in your bathroom.

Choose other essential bathroom fixtures

Once you know what sort of bath or shower you want for your en-suite, you can fit the other bathroom essentials, namely the toilet and sink, around it. You will also be able to make an informed decision when it comes to the type of flooring and other major extras you want, like heated towel rails or bidets.

When you’re considering the main fixtures in your en-suite, think about how much space you have and your ideal set-up. Don’t be limited by what you’ve seen elsewhere, but instead consider what you want and how feasible it is with your budget and timescale. For example, some couples prefer to have multiple sinks in their en-suite for ease. If you have the space and cash, this could be a convenient solution to save you time in the mornings. Consider all the options before you make a decision on what to include in your en-suite design.

en-suite bathroom

Hire a plumber

Unless you have experience fitting bathroom fixtures or are a plumber yourself, it’s worth hiring a professional to install your bathroom plumbing. It is possible to learn how to complete almost any home improvement project using videos on YouTube, but when you’re dealing with such expensive items and an element as volatile as water, it’s worth trying to find an expert who can fit the bath, toilet and sink correctly.

If you haven’t used a plumber in your local area before – for example, if you’ve just relocated – then ask for recommendations and read reviews. Make sure that you choose someone who is listed on a trade scheme like Checkatrade, so you know that they can be trusted to do a good job.

paint colour chart

Pick a colour scheme

Bathroom décor doesn’t have to revolve around white like most baths and sinks. Some options are colourful, but for many homeowners, classic white is the best colour for fixtures. However, when it comes to walls and floors, there are plenty of colours you can choose from.

Get some inspiration by checking out some bathroom colour ideas to see what might look good in your bathroom. When you have a colour palette in mind, you can start thinking about finishes and shades to find the perfect look for your new en-suite. Wall paint can be changed, but this can be time-consuming and pricey, so it’s worth taking the time to find the right colour scheme from the start.

Install various lighting options

Lighting is particularly crucial for a bathroom, as it can change the way you appear in the mirror and also create a relaxing atmosphere. Also, if your en-suite doesn’t have an external window, then it won’t have any outside light and you’ll need to use artificial lighting throughout the day, even when it’s light outside.

Take the time to explore various lighting solutions, including spotlights, wall lights, and backlighting for mirrors. You can then find a range of options that will work for your home. Like the bathroom fixtures, you’ll need to use an expert, in this case, an electrician, to fit your lighting. The right tradesman will also be able to advise you on the best lighting and how to create the perfect mood in your new en-suite bathroom.

bathroom shelf with towels and toiletries

Add final flourishes

The major bathroom fixtures, like your sink and bath, need to be plumbed in, but once they’re fitted, you can start working on the final touches to enhance your en-suite. These include mirrors, shelves, cupboards and artwork. Practical items like shelves will be home to your cosmetics and other beauty tools, so you should think about how much space you need before you buy.

Extras like these can transform a bathroom from a plain room into a unique space, helping you to create the perfect ambience for your en-suite.

When it comes to aesthetic touches like floor coverings and artwork, you can get creative and find options that fit your style. Some homeowners choose bathmats that look like rugs, or waterproof materials like hemp to create a welcoming feeling in their bathrooms. You can also use artwork on the walls to make your en-suite more inviting and comfortable. With so many options to choose from, you can have fun finishing off your en-suite design and transforming your space into a haven you can be proud of.

Enjoy your new en-suite!

Finally, with the construction complete and everything in its proper place, it’s time to get down to the important business of enjoying your new en-suite bathroom. While costs and timescales vary, the average bathroom costs around £7200 and can take several weeks to complete, so when it’s all over, you’ll have definitely earned a pamper session in your new en-suite.

The tips in this article should make the process of planning and designing your bathroom easier, so you can craft the perfect space for your home and needs.

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Wondering how to design an en-suite? These handy tips will help you tackle every stage of the project and create the bathroom of your dreams.

The post How to design an en-suite for your master bedroom appeared first on Growing Family.

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