Three Easy Ways to Include Your Family in the Clean Mama Routine

All hands on deck?  Is it possible with a cleaning routine?  Are you sick of spending time cleaning only to look around and feel like you’re the only one contributing?  Sometimes it’s as simple as letting them in on your plan for cleaning, other times it’s going to be a little more extensive to get them involved. It’s all about getting started and finding new ways to include your family. Today I’m going to share three easy ways to get include your family in your cleaning routine. It might take a bit to get everyone into a routine but it will pay off!

Three Easy Ways to Include Your Family in the Clean Mama Routine

Communication is the key to making a cleaning routine stick – sit down and talk about it or just start delegating and teaching how clean around the house. Set expectations and provide plenty of encouragement and you’ll see quickly how the old expression is true: Many hands make light work.

QUICK TIP: Print out the free Homekeeping Calendar or use the Cozi + Clean Mama app to keep everyone on task and to share the routine without nagging.

There are 4 parts to the Clean Mama Routine – start with the Daily Tasks and add the Weekly Tasks as you are ready:

Teach your family the Daily Tasks – there are lots of ways to include them – here are some suggestions, pick and choose what works for your home and family. 


These five tasks are essential to the Clean Mama Routine and the secret to getting started with your clean home; make the beds, check the floors, wipe the counters, tackle clutter, and do a load of laundry.

  • My favorite one to include the family on is ‘wipe counters’. This includes the full kitchen clean up. In our home, we all contribute and get this done as quickly as possible after dinner.
  • Kids can make their own beds – don’t go back and correct or fix, just let them make their own beds.
  • Give everyone a laundry day – that day of the week is when their clothes get washed, dried, put away. Teaching kids to do laundry isn’t as hard as you might think!

Let them know what the Weekly Tasks are and have them help – if they have their own bathroom, they clean it on Monday, they can dust their own rooms on Tuesdays, etc.


These tasks should only take 10-15 minutes once you get in the swing of the routine – this gets easier every week, stick with it and you’ll see how the consistency is what makes it work. On Monday we clean the bathrooms, Tuesday we dust, Wednesday we vacuum, Thursday we wash the floors, Friday we do anything we didn’t get to and on Saturday we tackle sheets + towels. By having specific tasks for each day of the week you’ll take the guesswork out of what needs to be cleaned and when it needs to be cleaned – it’s wonderful!

If you’re looking for cleaning and laundry products safe for you and your family, check out the Clean Mama Shop. I love creating cute cleaning products that really work and that you can use without worrying about safety,

Want to learn more about the Clean Mama Routine? Head to the Start Here page!

The post Three Easy Ways to Include Your Family in the Clean Mama Routine appeared first on Clean Mama.

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