The Best of the Blog 2022

With millions of page views over the last year, I just want to say THANK YOU for taking the time to read and follow along. I love sharing tips and tricks designed to help you clean and declutter your home in a simple, easy way. As we look back on 2022 this week, let’s take a peek at your favorite blog posts from the past year.  I’ve separated them out in two categories: Cleaning & Organizing.

The Best of the Blog 2022

Cleaning Posts

How to Choose a Vacuum Cleaner

How to Wash Towels

Guide to Washing Floors & Favorite Floor Washing Tools

How to Safely Clean & Disinfect Around the Home

DIY Nightly Sink Scrub

How to Clean a Toilet

DIY Daily Shower Spray

A Manageable, Realistic Cleaning Routine for Any Schedule

Clean Mama’s 3 Tips to Get Started When You’re Overwhelmed

How to Automate Your Laundry Routine

How to Create a Capsule Wardrobe With the Clothes You Already Own

Musts for a Filing System

Start a New Ritual with Clean Mama’s One Bag Quick Declutter + free printable

Organizing Posts

How to Organize Toiletries

How to Organize a Refrigerator – So it Functions for your Home

Favorite Organizing Products for the Kitchen


Favorites for an Organized Bathroom

Favorites for Holiday Decor Storage

Going back through the posts from 2022 makes me so excited to share more in 2023 – Happy New Year! You can see all the posts from the past by clicking here. What post was your favorite?  What do you want to see in 2023?

The post The Best of the Blog 2022 appeared first on Clean Mama.

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