Our Basement Tour With Fun, Traditional Christmas Decor

Our Basement Tour With Fun, Traditional Christmas Decor

A tour of our cozy Christmas basement with traditional and festive decor!

Our basement is a warm and homey space with dark gray walls and a looooong TV built in that I finished up early last year. 
I can't believe it's been almost two years since I built that giant beast of a bookcase! Wow. Seems like it was only a few months ago. 🙂
If you saw our upstairs family room holiday tour a couple weeks ago, you know I went a little moody and non-traditional with my decor and colors up there. 
I'm still a lover of a playful and festive look though, so it's fun to decorate the basement living room with traditional Christmas colors every year. 
I didn't share a tour of this space last Christmas, so I figured it would be fun to share the holiday decor down there! 
We set up our Christmas village on the large bench under the TV because it's so spacious. It's been the perfect spot: 
holiday village display
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Large gray bookcase wall
We try to add to our village every year or two, but we're starting to run out of room. I think we can comfortably only add a few more. 🙂 
I placed my cutie DIY yarn Christmas trees in the corners and I love how they look with the village: 

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