GIFT GUIDES 2022: EGD Office Picks

Here are the wishlists of everyone in the Erin Gates Design office (minus Colleen, who is out on maternity leave with her new baby boy!) We’ve grown a lot since last year so I thought you would like to see who helps makes everything happen around here! My list is absurd because it’s mostly pie in the sky items since we will be spending exactly ZERO on ourselves this year given our upcoming renovation 🙂 But a gal can dream…..

Starred items are linked below each guide, everything else is clickable.

GIFT GUIDES 2022: EGD Office Picks

Weekend at Blackberry Mountain // mirror

Tartan BlanketWood Stool

Gardenia Candle / Concha Candleholder / Watercolor Set


Kul Spark Water System / Lawrence McRae Large Lo Lacey Bowl

Revo Cooler

The post GIFT GUIDES 2022: EGD Office Picks first appeared on Elements of Style Blog.

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