Gift Guides 2022: My Favorite Play Kitchens

My kiddos love their play kitchen and it’s one of those gifts that really does have some longevity.  We got ours when Henry was an only child and now Emma is VERY into “cooking”.  And it’s pretty enough to be in our main living space without horrifying me aesthetically, which is a real bonus! So here are my favorite pretty play kitchen- a bunch of price points here too, which is great. I also added some of my favorite cute accessories for the kitchens as well.

Gift Guides 2022: My Favorite Play Kitchens

My dream? To design a play kitchen for a toy company.  So here are two design ideas I had for play kitchens I’d love to have (and sell).  Call me play kitchen companies! 🙂

The post Gift Guides 2022: My Favorite Play Kitchens first appeared on Elements of Style Blog.

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