Tips for stress-free travel during holiday season

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The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. But for many of us, they’re also a time for stress – especially when it comes to travel.

Whether you’re flying across the country, or just driving a few hours to visit relatives, travelling during the holidays can be tough. But with a little planning and forethought, you can make your holiday travel go smoothly and even enjoy the trip. Here are five tips for stress-free travel to help you do just that.

Tips for stress-free travel during holiday season

1. Start early

The early bird gets the worm – or in this case, the best seats on the plane and the most convenient hotel rooms. If you wait until the last minute to book your travel, you’re likely to end up paying more and facing longer lines and crowds at the airport. 

Flights are more booked, car shipping companies are likely to be more expensive during the holidays, and the roads may be full of traffic jams. This means it’s important to start early with your planning to ensure you can not only reserve the resources you need, but also stick to your holiday budget at the same time.

As soon as you know your travel plans, start making reservations. That way, you can relax and enjoy the holidays knowing that everything is taken care of.

packing efficiently for stress-free travel

2. Stay organised for stress-free travel

Travelling in holiday season can be stressful, especially if you’re trying to juggle multiple bags and keep track of all your belongings.

To help make your holiday travels easier, here are a few tips on how to stay organised.

  • First, whenever possible, try to pack light. This will make it easier to keep track of everything you need and minimise the risk of losing something important.
  • Second, create a packing list before you start packing. This will help ensure that you don’t forget anything essential.
  • Third, try to keep your carry-on bag relatively small. Not only will this make it easier to navigate airport security, but it will also force you to limit yourself to only the essentials.
  • And finally, once you arrive at your destination, take a few minutes to unpack and put away your belongings. This will help you feel more at home and prevent you from losing anything in the process.

How to pack smart

Going on vacation is supposed to be a time to relax and have fun, but the process of packing for a trip can often be hard work. To save yourself some stress, it’s important to pack smart.

Start by making a list of everything you’ll need for your trip, including clothes, toiletries, and any electronic devices you might want to bring. Once you’ve made your list, start grouping items together so that you can easily find everything you need when you’re unpacking. For example, you might want to keep all of your shoes in one place, or pack all of your shirts together.

Be sure to leave some empty space in your suitcase, so that you can easily add any souvenirs or other items you might acquire while on vacation.

plastic boxes filled with healthy snacks

3. Bring snacks

Whether you’re driving or flying, hunger can strike at any time – and when it does, it’s never convenient. To avoid being caught off guard (and having to pay exorbitant prices for convenience food), pack some snacks before you leave home.

Non-perishable items like granola bars or trail mix are ideal stress-free travel snacks. And if you’re travelling with kids, snacks will help keep them happy and occupied during long periods of waiting or sitting still.

road closed travel sign

4. Plan for delays

‘Tis the season for holiday travel, and that means busy airports, crowded highways, and weather delays. While it’s normal to experience some inconvenience when travelling during the holidays, there are a few things you can do to make the trip a little smoother.

First, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to get to the airport or hit the road. That way, if you do run into delays, you won’t miss your flight or have to rush to your destination.

Second, pack a few snacks, drinks, and extra layers in case you get stranded somewhere. And finally, remember that everyone is in the same boat as you, so try to relax and enjoy the ride.

neon sign reading 'and breathe'

5. Keep your cool

The holidays can be hectic, and that often leads to tempers running high, especially when travelling. To avoid losing your cool (and ruining your holiday), take a deep breath and focus on staying calm no matter what comes your way, even if that means missing your flight or getting stuck in traffic. Remember: It’s only temporary, and it’s not worth ruining your entire trip over something that’s beyond your control.

Travelling during the holidays doesn’t have to be a nightmare. By following these simple tips, you can help make your holiday travels more enjoyable. Do you have any stress-free travel tips that always make trips easier for you?

The post Tips for stress-free travel during holiday season appeared first on Growing Family.

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