How to prepare for a long-term family road trip

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Are you thinking about going on a long-term family road trip?

There’s nothing quite like packing up the car and hitting the open road with your loved ones. Road trips are a great way to bond as a family, see new sights, and create lasting memories. But before you embark on your journey, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of to make sure your trip goes off without a hitch.

In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to do to prepare for a long-term family road trip, from getting your vehicle in top shape to stocking up on snacks. So buckle up and let’s get started.

How to prepare for a long-term family road trip

Why it’s a good idea to travel long-term with your family

Travelling with your family is a brilliant way to strengthen relationships and create lasting memories together. It can be an amazing experience for both kids and adults alike.

There are many benefits to travelling long-term as a family. For one, it allows you to slow down and really experience the places you visit. If you’re not rushing from one tourist spot to the next you have time to explore, learn about the culture, and make new friends.

Long-term travel can also be more cost-effective than taking multiple shorter trips, since you’re not paying for airfare or hotels as often. And finally, it gives you a chance to spend quality time together as a family without the distractions of day-to-day life.

7 tips for your long-term family road trip

Let’s take a look at some of the steps you might want to take in order to ensure that your family road trip is a success.

1. Create an itinerary

One of the most important things you can do before hitting the road is to create an itinerary. Having a loose plan will help ensure that everyone stays on track and enjoys themselves.

Talk as a family about the kind of things everyone would like to see and do. Once you’ve compiled a list, you can research different attractions and activities in each area, and start mapping out your route.

Remember to leave some wiggle room in your schedule so that you can spontaneously stop or take detours if something catches your eye. The last thing you want is to feel like you’re on a strict timetable while on vacation.

2. Prepare your vehicle

Before setting out on any long journey, it’s essential that you give your vehicle a thorough once-over. Check fluid levels, brakes, and tyres to ensure that everything is in good working order. Also, check that you have the right legal DVLA Number Plates for the journey too.

If your car hasn’t had a service in a long time, now’s the time to arrange one. This means you can delegate most of the checks to your mechanic, rather than doing them yourself.

It could also be a good idea to invest in some additional safety features such as emergency flares or a first-aid kit. Make sure you check your spare tyre as well – you don’t want to be stranded on the side of the road with a flat tyre and no way to fix it.

3. Make a packing list

Once you know your vehicle is in good working order, it’s time to start packing!

First, make a list of everything you’ll need for the trip. This includes clothes, toiletries, electronics, games and books for entertainment, bedding, first-aid supplies, and anything else you can think of.

Once you have your list, start packing everything into boxes or bags so it’s all organised and ready to go when it’s time to hit the road.


4. Make a list of your must-haves

At this point, you’ll want to think about what you really want to get out of this trip. This could be places to go, or things to do or experience along the way.

If you already have some must-haves in mind for the trip, this is the time to pull together a list of non-negotiable experiences that you need to include.

5. Stock up on snacks

No road trip is complete without snacks! If you’re going to be driving for long periods of time, it’s important to have plenty of food and drinks on hand to keep everyone energised and happy.

Pack non-perishable snacks like granola bars, trail mix, nuts, fruit cups, and veggie sticks, as well as drinks like water bottles and juice boxes. A few sweets will also come in handy for when energy levels take a dip.

6. Plan your route

Once you have everything packed and ready to go, it’s time to plan your route. Planning ahead will help make sure your trip goes smoothly and everyone stays happy.

You’ve already planned out the itinerary, so now you need to map out your route. Aim for the most efficient way of getting to each destination, and make sure to note any rest stops. If you’re not too bothered about minimising travel time, you could aim to avoid busy highways and try to stick to scenic routes whenever possible instead.

If you’re not sure about tackling this stage, there are plenty of resources available online or at your local library.

7. Plan on-the-go activities

Finally, make sure you pack entertainment for the kids such as colouring books, travel games, or portable electronics with headphones. The last thing you want is for your kids to be bored along the way.

If you know that you’ve got long stretches of travel time, try to think of a range of different activities. These could include car games like ‘I spy’, card games, video games, or even a family sing-song. Keeping the kids occupied as much as possible will definitely make the journey a lot easier.

Taking plenty of breaks is another good way to keep everyone happy. Stopping for petrol is the perfect opportunity to stretch your legs and take a quick break from being cooped up in the car.

family holiday - packing the car

How to make family travel more enjoyable

By following these tips, you can set out on your family road trip with confidence, knowing that you’re prepared for anything that comes your way. Just remember to relax and enjoy quality time with your loved ones – after all, that’s what holidays are all about.

Do you have any tried-and-tested ways to make a family road trip go smoothly?

The post How to prepare for a long-term family road trip appeared first on Growing Family.

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