Top Five Myths about Tap Water

These tap water myths are something you need to know! Keep reading!

Top Five Myths about Tap Water
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We all know that drinking water is essential. We can’t argue that our body needs those health benefits that it can get from water consumption. However, people are always concerned about whether we can consider tap water safe-drinking water. That’s why many people still buy bottled water or use alkaline water since they are concerned about the water quality.

Tap water is often considered dirty and unsafe to drink, but that’s not the case. Tap water is one of the best drinking water sources, and it’s a lot safer than most people think. This post will dispel some of the myths about tap water and show why it’s an excellent choice for your drinking water needs.

What is Tap Water?

Tap water is water that comes out of your tap. It’s what comes out of the faucet in your kitchen, and it’s also what comes out of the faucet in your bathroom. In most cases, it’s perfectly safe to drink.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water and sets standards for its quality and safety. In addition, most municipalities have their own water treatment facilities that use various methods to purify and treat tap water. These treatments can include filtration, chlorination, and fluoridation.

Why is Water Important?

Water is vital because it’s essential for human survival. Every cell in the body needs enough water to function, and the average person loses about two litres of water per day through sweat, urine, and breath.

Water is necessary for all metabolic processes and helps to flush toxins from the body. It also helps to regulate body temperature and maintain blood pressure. In short, water is essential for life, and without it, we would quickly become dehydrated and die.

If you are a business owner, you know how much water is needed. You can go to Utility Bidder to compare prices and quotes to save money!

Common Myths About Tap Water

Just a little health advice, it’s not a bad thing to research and debunk those myths about drinking water in the tap.

Myth 1: Bottled Water is Safer Than Tap Water

Depending on its source, bottled water may be less sanitary than regular tap water. As a result of adhering to the requirements established by the EU Drinking Water Directive, tap water in the United Kingdom is among the best on earth. The most recent research for England and Wales reveals a 99.96% compliance rate for every public water supply, while Scotland and Northern Ireland achieve compliance rates of 99.89% and 99.86%, respectively. The same Directive does not govern bottled water because it falls under the category of food and beverage; therefore, it will not be subject to the same rigorous standards of conformity testing.

What about all that marketing jargon about how water is bottled straight from the source, such as a spring, glacier, or mountain? Of the total, more than half is regular tap water. The EPA mandates annual reporting on the safety of public water systems, including the results of tests on tap water for contaminants. Although the FDA has its regulations concerning bottled water quality, it does not oblige businesses to make their test findings public.

Myth 2: Drinking Bottled Water Gives You More Benefits

These extra minerals are so minor that your regular diet should provide ample opportunities to meet your recommended daily allowance. Additionally, most municipal water supplies have a trace amount of chlorine, although it is not enough to affect the flavour. Tap water is preferable because it has an antimicrobial effect (imagine a swimming pool without the irritating floaties and floating faeces).

Myth 3: Hot tap water can be used to cook and drink without worry.

False. Though it may seem like a good way to save time, it can actually be harmful to human health. Pipes typically include lead, which is more easily dissolved in hot water than in the cold. Lead in the pipes might more easily leach into your drinking water if your water heater is set to a high temperature.

Bacteria love warm, dark locations like hot water tanks. In the United States, hot water tanks are the most common source of Legionnaires’ Disease infection. In conclusion, the risk of illness from using water from the hot side of the faucet for cooking and drinking is not warranted.

Myth 4: Tap Water Doesn’t Taste Good

Healthline backs up your claim that water has flavour by explaining that it is caused by naturally occurring minerals like calcium, phosphorus, salt, magnesium, and potassium. Scientists have also hypothesized that if water has an off flavour, your brain may interpret it as a sign that it is tainted and warns you to find another source. Blind tasting tests have shown no discernible difference between tap water and bottled water, despite widespread claims to the contrary. Six types of minerals and six types of tap water were offered to approximately 400 participants in a short study conducted by researchers. In a study published in the Journal of Sensory Studies in 2010, participants claimed that dechlorinated tap water and bottled water were perceived to be qualitatively similar.

However, if you have a weak immune system, the Mayo Clinic recommends that you consider boiling your tap water or switching to bottled water as a precaution.

Myth 5: Filtering or Boiling Water Gets Rid of The Contaminants

Most water filters do not remove all contaminants from tap water, including pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors. Boiling your water will kill bacteria and concentrate any heavy metals or other chemicals in the water supply. You can eliminate some biological or bacterial pollutants in your water by boiling the water. When there has been a break in the water main or a problem with the disinfection system, water companies will issue “boil water advisories” to ensure the safety of their customers. No daily water boiling is necessary unless your water supply comes from a private well with a history of biological contamination. Water pollutants such as lead, arsenic, mercury, chromium 6, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) cannot be eliminated by boiling. These pollutants are different, and they’re notoriously tough to eradicate. Unfortunately, boiling water won’t eliminate contaminants like PFAS, lead, and other metals.

Final Thoughts

So what should you take away from this? Tap water is a safe, affordable beverage option that offers numerous benefits for your health – so don’t hesitate to fill up a glass (or two!) next time you’re at home.

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