Autumn walks: how to get additional health benefits

Autumn (or fall if you’re in the US) is a great season for walking. In autumn nature puts on the most amazing show, with vibrant colours, beautiful low sunshine, and comfortable temperatures.

Autumn walks: how to get additional health benefits

The benefits of autumn walks in nature

Whether you enjoy a full-on hike or just a gentle stroll, being outdoors in autumn is calming and inspiring.

One study found that walking down a tree-lined street can make you feel seven years younger, and autumn walks can definitely be very beneficial. Here are some impressive health benefits of walking in nature during the autumn.

Raises vitamin D levels

Sunlight is the main source of vitamin D, which is so important for health. It improves our bone health, supports the immune system, and can even help us fight diseases. Yes, there are supplements, but nothing competes with its natural source. You will soak up a lot of natural vitamin D when you go on a long walk.

Improves blood pressure and heart rhythm

Walking can improve your heart health, especially if you have high blood pressure. Researchers in Korea discovered that only 40 minutes of walking in a day can lower blood pressure significantly for those suffering from hypertension. Even a 10-minute walk reduced blood pressure. An American study also observed that taking a stroll offered cardiovascular benefits to those with obesity issues.

autumn walks in woodland

Burns calories

You will burn anything between 300 and 400 calories when you walk 10,000 steps. It is the easiest way to burn calories and shed excess weight. Besides, brisk walking will increase your heart rate and help you become fitter. Walking is one of the best cardio workouts, and it can also tone up the body and help to get rid of belly hang. You will sleep better at night too.

Good for your eyes

We tend to spend too much time indoors. The Covid-19 pandemic has made it worse because many of us are still working from home more. With online grocery deliveries, we don’t even have to go out for shopping. As a result, we are getting less sunshine and spending long hours in front of the computer, TV, and smartphone. This is over-stimulating our eyes, which can cause myopia or nearsightedness. Your eyes will feel relaxed when you go for a walk, and the focus is also widened because the eyes will try to take in the entire landscape.

Lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s

Walking outside is also great for mental health. According to the results of a study, those who walk more than a quarter of a mile daily can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia by about 50 percent. You sleep better when you walk, which can also ward off these health conditions.

child running through woodland

Strengthens the immune system

Researchers have discovered that green areas and forests can strengthen our immune systems. The combination of fresh air, exercise, vitamin D, and better mental wellbeing all contributes towards better health. Regular walking can fight infections and help ward off the common cold. A study carried out over 1000 women and men discovered that those who walked a minimum of twenty minutes daily, five days a week were able to reduce their number of sick days by 43 percent. Even those who became sick suffered for fewer days because of their stronger immunity.

Improves concentration

Autumn walks are a great way to disconnect in order to reconnect. Getting outside, enjoying nature, and relaxing will all help you to refocus. Many studies have revealed that spending time within nature can improve levels of concentration. It has also been seen that children with ADHD can concentrate better when they spend just twenty minutes enjoying nature play.

Increases creativity

Nature can also make us more creative. In a test, it was found that backpackers were 50 percent more creative after spending four days in nature, away from all electronic devices. The sights, including hills, meadows, streams, and forests, can all bring out creativity within us. This is why many writers and poets go to nature when they want to bring out their creative best.

autumn leaves

Expands your horizons

You will feel more confident when you try something new like climb a mountain, cycle through the wilderness, or go camping. You may even meet new people and make new connections. It’s pretty much guaranteed that you will gain new experiences. And you would have missed all this if you stayed at home.

Reduces stress

Work and family life can be stressful. Spend time in nature, and you will surround yourself with tranquility and peace. It can be so relaxing – and a free antidote to all that stress. Pick what appeals to you the most; you can go for autumn walks in a forest, spend time beside a mountain stream or lake, or even walk on a beach.

There are so many benefits of being outside in autumn. It’s important to stay active throughout the year, but autumn is a particularly good season for those long outdoor hours. By embracing and enjoying nature, you can also improve your health.

Do you find that autumn walks help with your wellbeing?

The post Autumn walks: how to get additional health benefits appeared first on Growing Family.

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