Weekend Reading 10.16.22

I’m back from a whirlwind trip to the east coast! I visited my daughter at college in New England which was so lovely. Vermont and New Hampshire and Massachusetts were putting on a show, the trees were all colors of yellow, orange, and red, it was quite beautiful. I was reminded how charming the homes in the area are, so many colonials, so much history, it was good to be back in that part of the country.

Next I took the train from Boston to NYC and spent the night in Manhattan and walked around Central Park, that was fun. Finally I flew to Florida to spend a few days checking on our home to make sure there was no damage from the hurricane. There wasn’t, but I discovered a leak in the garage which prompted a need to replace the tankless water heater. Other than that, the house looked great and I’m excited to return next month and host Thanksgiving in Florida for extended family.

Meanwhile back in California I started a new pottery class, I’m learning how to throw on the wheel, and it’s so challenging but I love it! It’s a lot harder than it looks! I’ve also set up a little workstation in the corner of my garage where I’m building pieces by hand. I have access to glazes and a kiln as long as I’m enrolled in local classes so I can create and fire whatever I please. I’ll share some of my pieces on Instagram stories as my skill level increases!

Favorite links from the week:

Weekend Reading 10.16.22

Simple elegance on display in this Chicago home.

Once again, paint works its magic in this kitchen update.

This inspiring modern night stand project.

“Fistfuls of greenery”: creative botanical art curated from dog walks.

20 items in your home you can get rid of right now.

Improve your building knowledge with these wood joinery basics.

How mud (and outdoor play) boosts the immune system.

The ten distinct American accents you’ll hear in the United States.

30 quick fixes to improve mood and promote clarity.

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