5 tips for creating a functional kitchen

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When it comes to combining style and family life in your home, one area you can’t skip is the kitchen.

Functional kitchen design is an approach that focuses on the functionality of the space, rather than prioritising aesthetics. Aesthetics are important to many people; they want their kitchen to be beautiful and comfortable, with a layout that allows them to cook, clean, and store things easily.

Functional kitchen layouts require less space than aesthetic ones, because they have less furniture and appliances. They also have fewer walls, which allows for more natural light and ventilation.

Both types of design have their pros and cons, so it’s important to consider what you need your kitchen to do before deciding on one over the other. Plus, it’s possible to combine the two elements to get the best of both worlds. So, here’s how to create a functional kitchen that’s also beautiful.

5 tips for creating a functional kitchen

Keep an organised kitchen

A kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home. It is used for cooking, entertaining guests, and storing food. But with so many things happening in this room, it can get cluttered quickly.

One way to keep your kitchen organised is by using a magnetic strip on the wall. This will allow you to keep your utensils and pots easily accessible without filling up the countertops or floors.

This approach can also include keeping all spices on one side of a cabinet, with your other tools such as measuring cups and spoons on the other side of the cabinet. Even the fridge can be organised like this. You can use it to keep a grocery list, so you have a range of prepared dressed crab options for when you go shopping. A well-organised kitchen is not only convenient, but also more efficient in terms of the time it takes to find what you need.

Avoid white cabinets

Dark wood or black cabinets are not just for aesthetics. They help to create a more functional cooking space. Just think about it: white walls and white cabinets are pretty high maintenance. A dark wood cabinet is a better option for storage, because it absorbs light and reflects less heat. This can help to keep the room cool.

kitchen worktops

More is more! A larger counter space is better

The counter is a functional piece of furniture that is integral to the kitchen. It helps you organise your groceries, prep and cook food, and serve it up easily. Dedicating more space to your counter is a simple way to create a functional kitchen.

The more space you have in your kitchen, the easier it is to keep track of what you need and make sure that everything is within easy reach.

The importance of lighting

Another important way to ensure that you have a functional kitchen is through good lighting. You could look into getting LED lights and ceiling windows, or maybe invest in large windows for your kitchen.

As well as making your kitchen more practical, the right lighting can transform the space from drab to stunning. Island pendant lights, over-counter spotlights, and LED strip lighting are all areas where you can inject plenty of style into your kitchen design.

functional kitchen storage cupboard

Have all the basics in your pantry

Creating enough space for all of your essential ingredients can help to make your kitchen both functional and visually pleasing.

As a minimum, make sure you have enough space to store oil, salt & pepper, sugar, flour, and herbs & spices. If you love to bake, or are a keen cook, it’s worth taking the time to list items that you use regularly before you design your storage space.

In general, having a functional kitchen is always going to start with you, and how you want to use it. Whether you’re making family meals, using your kitchen to entertain, or need it to multi-task as a living area, being clear on the room’s purpose at the start of the design process will help to ensure you create a functional kitchen that really works for you and your family.

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Need your kitchen to work hard and still look good? Here's how to create a functional kitchen that’s also beautiful.

The post 5 tips for creating a functional kitchen appeared first on Growing Family.

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