Convenient ways to keep your home warmer in winter

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Do you feel as though your family home isn’t quite as warm as it could be? If so then now is a good time to do something about it, before winter arrives.

This article takes a look at four easy ways to keep your property warm and toasty for the winter season.

Convenient ways to keep your home warmer in winter


One of the easiest ways to keep your home warmer is to draught-proof it. This involves making sure that as little heat as possible escapes.

If you would prefer to go down the DIY route, you can buy draught-proofing strips for your doors and windows. These can help to make your home cosier and are a very good way to save money on heating bills.

insulated heating pipes

Insulate your pipes

Insulating your hot water pipes is a super quick and easy way for you to save both money and energy. On top of this, it’s a great way for you to reduce heat loss from your system. Pipe lagging will stop your pipes from freezing too, so keep that in mind.

Pipe insulation is very quick to install. You simply buy slipcovers that go over the existing pipes. Once you’ve done this you should see a notable improvement.

a hand turning a radiator key

Bleed your radiators

Cold spots are caused by trapped air. This could mean that your radiators aren’t working as well as they could be. The simple job of using a bleeding key to release trapped air can give your heating a boost without turning up the thermostat.

You can also use reflective radiator panels to improve the efficiency of your radiators.

a person setting home heating controls

Upgrade heating controls

Another easy way to keep your home warmer is to pay attention to your heating controls. Use your room thermostat properly; set the program to regulate the heating and review it regularly.

Thermostatic radiator valves are another option. These allow you to control the temperature of each room, so you are only ever heating the room that you are in.

If you are struggling for heat and don’t feel as though your home is warm enough you can also look into electric fires to make specific rooms warmer. This is a great way to keep your home warm, and it can lower your gas bill too.

Have you got any tips for keeping your home warm in winter?

The post Convenient ways to keep your home warmer in winter appeared first on Growing Family.

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